Why doesn’t Norvell need 4 years?

First off - kudos to the Noles. 3rd string in and they win the toughest game of the year. Awesome job. I’m jealous.

But how come Norvell doesn’t need the requisite 4 years all of our coaches need?

When are we going to find a guy that just cuts through the bullshit and restores the program?

He’s in year 4? Look at his year 2

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Likely that FSU gets shut out of the playoffs. More fuel for the fire about FSU wanting out of the ACC. (And to be honest not a good look for the ACC that an undefeated team doesn’t get in, QB injury notwithstanding). But where would they go? Would the SEC take them with UF already a member? In five years who the frack won’t be in the SEC or Big Ten?

Look at his year 3 is the point.

How much you want to bet we regress and get a whole new generation of excuses that it’s year 4 we have to look to! lol.

A lot of people DID call for his head in Years 1 and 2 though!

GSC, you’re giving Norvell credit for a turnaround in Years 3 and 4 without even letting Mario play Year 3.

Wait another year to post this and you might have a point. For right now the point is that coaches need some time.

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Depending on who we get at quarterback I would probably bet you. I could see us winning 9-10 next year if we get a competent QB.

We were definitely ahead Norvell year 2. Although obviously he took over a LITTLE worse of a situation, but CMC way takes a little longer because he really wanted/had to tear down the trenches.