What Should Democrats Do Now?

At this point, I’m done with playing the politics is sports game. Let’s just do it and vote already. Then, let’s see how the cards fall with the repercussions.

One thing is for sure, I go to the range weekly as opposed to monthly now.

You made a dumb statement. You got called out for the dumb statement.

No dipshit…He made a dumb statement, I pointed this out. And then I clarified a clear-cut “trend” for you. Glad I could help.

Oh…your jujitsu Hail Mary not making you “tough” enough? Nobody’s worried about you, you dramatic fucking cunt.

This moron ^^ said 8-10…just yesterday. Also “won’t break 8-10 percent” doesn’t make sense…Will it break 8, or will it break 10?

Real fucking idiot here.

There ya go @Warden84 …Did 80 clear that up for you? Really informative guy isn’t he? This is the idiot you are defending, captain save-a-lib

False. He made a clear statement backed by more than 50 years of history. You made an ignorant remark because you don’t have much to offer, mostly resembling the smearing of your shit on the walls like a toddler. Then, you got called out for it, lied about what he said, and then tried to cover with mentioning the black people you know, as if that constitutes any kind of comprehensive block of voters.

Then, you lash out again because you got a dick in your mouth.

Yet, you said “15% or so” right after that, today.

Real fucking liar right there

No, he didn’t…He went out of his way to say how Newsome would crush it with black vote…Fill in the blank with any dem candidate, so why say it? He obviously made a point to say it.

Yet, you said “15% or so” right after that, today.

So?? Non-pertinent.

Real fucking liar right there

Captain save-a-lib to the rescue!

You’re a dramatic little cunt, and a partisan sheep…Per uzh

So clearly my interpretation of his original statement is correct, right @Warden84 ?

So again…I’d like to know why black voters won’t stay home (his words) and will run to vote for Newsom (basically his words, not scrolling up for exact wording)? Why will he do such better than Biden or the average dem candidate?

And now of course we can ask…Why would a minority be more apt to stay home than a white voter if it’s Biden?

Basically this twat just blurts any old bullshit out, which has always been my point.

I vehemently disagree. I believe most are voting against Trump and don’t care if its a bent nail on opposition. From basic economics and jobs #s to support from our allies and NATO, Biden has been a superior player vs Trump. Here’s a secret, I’ve never once listened to a Biden speech. Don’t care. One side overwhelmingly pushes authoritarianism, fascism, has clearly outlined their plan through Project 2025 and it’s already disseminated throughout some states like Oklahoma making the Bible taught in schools, states forcing children to have children, women’s lives being put to risk over abortion measures not being an option in their state regardless of their personal health, the fact that some states are pushing to eliminate forms of contraception and no fault divorce, the consistent bell of pro-Nazis on the right…pretty distinct choices. Biden looked terrible, but Trump can’t go a day without all out lying about every single thing in his purview, screws up in every speech, thinks he’s running against Obama half the time…

It’s been pretty clear that neither side doesn’t give much of a fuck what their candidate says, just stopping the other one. I’ve been wrong before, but every election cycle so far has leaned or gone all out Democrat since 2020. France and England pushed back their right wing fascists. We’ll see if we do. I think back to Reagan’s 2nd term, where he flat out had dementia and Nancy hid him for 4 years. To date, the GOP celebrates him like he’s Santa Clause. Again, I don’t give a fuck if Biden plays in the garden with his own shit. Also, I’ve heard him since then, including this morning where he’s as alert as ever. I still can’t stand him talking and I have a hard time listening. I’m voting against Trump

The curious question is what then? I can’t stand Kamala and I don’t like Newsome. I’ve voted Democrat since Bush Jr, but who exactly are they going to run when Trump isn’t there? Say Nikki Haley won the primary or Trump died of being an obese fuck during the wait…would Biden win against someone not named Trump? Would Haley or Newsome? I loved the gay fella Pete. Nobody else could stand him.
We’re on the brink of eliminating the Bretton Woods system where we patrol the global waters throughout the world allowing for global trade, which drives everyone back into a pre-WW1 type of paradigm. Who’s leading us through that change? Partisanship aside, can you think of a single person who waiting in the wings on either side that brings confidence?

Yes, it appears so. I stand corrected.

Fair enough then…Honest response. The thing is, you knew this from jump street, but just decided to come after me and defend a fellow lib, even one with the history of his stupidity.

I vehemently disagree. I believe most are voting against Trump and don’t care if its a bent nail on opposition

I agree with your premise here…With some leeway around the word “most”…Which I guess we’ll find out.

But I think it’s a 2 way street…I believe many, including myself, are voting against further pushes towards progressive liberalism. I could give a shit less what political party, or what box of rocks is running against this absurdity, I’ll vote for it. But I guess that’s what a good bit of elections are.

And now it has become even stronger because of the bullshit legal attacks on Trump simply because it is an election year, and that’s scary shit. That has been brought up to me by many of all colors in any casual stray into political discussion….From black/white, all walks of lives, whatever,…The phrase “I can’t stand Trump but we all know these trials are bullshit” many times (Whether they say it leads to a vote or just responding to the trials topic). Hell I was going Kennedy or libertarian about 6 months ago, now I almost see it as a duty to vote for Trump. (Who knows though, every time he says some dumb shit I start googling Kennedy again lol)

I didn’t actually. I didn’t read that post you cited. Never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by ignorance or a mistake.

From another perspective, I live in Dallas and the response has been quite the opposite. I’ve only heard one person with this take and he’s already an all out right winger. Though, over the last couple of years, here, people are much less apt to talking about it in the elevators and what not. We don’t allow it in my office and don’t discuss it with customers, so who knows. Also, people here shoot other people pretty easily. You’d be shocked at how many random shootings on major highways just outside of places like shopping centers or while driving to work at 5am happen here, not bad areas at all. They just pull up to the side of the car, shoot and drive away. So, less talking about all things here in Texas. My neighbors talking about the garden, the weather, my new golden retriever puppy and what not instead. Makes you remember how much more calm and simple life is when we don’t live in politics like we’re working in Washington.

We’ll vote. We’ll see. Your vote, at least, counts for more than mine. All the major cities in TX will go Biden again…but, our countless counties with populations smaller than employees at your local Target run our results in Texas. So…it is what it is. One thing is for sure, we’ll see.

I agree with your premise here…With some leeway around the word “most”…Which I guess we’ll find out.

And just to be clear… I’m not a believer that it’s enough, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump lost again. I don’t have a strong opinion honestly. But my mention of my convos with the black dudes I know, as well as hip-hop, sports, etc…Is more of an observation than a prediction. But I think it’s definitely there…I believe there is a bit of a shift taking place, at least amongst black males and I believe the GOP black vote will continue to trend upwards, this time maybe substantially.

Though, over the last couple of years, here, people are much less apt to talking about it in the elevators and what not. We don’t allow it in my office and don’t discuss it with customers, so who knows.

Ya, we live in somewhat different worlds, I get it. And again, 98% of the time it isn’t me bringing up the topic. Unless it’s a joking response that somehow relates to the sports world or something that happened recently or

Makes you remember how much more calm and simple life is when we don’t live in politics like we’re working in Washington.

Basically what most of us, including myself, want.

I welcome that shift, actually. The Johnson solutions didn’t work and we’re still holding onto them like they’re a Red Rider BB Gun. I get welfare and why. It didn’t work. I get Affirmative Action, but it didn’t work. Go GOP, push the Nazis out, and we’ll see if they can come up with some solutions. I’m tired of pretending Chicago or Baltimore are somehow not glaring fucking problems with the communities themselves. I’m exhausted at bringing up Twitter and seeing fight after fight after fight after fight with one similarity in common and we’re somehow supposed to just look around with a dumb look and what, call Jim Crow the cause of it? It’s poverty and poverty causes crime. True, but it’s not like 2 miles away isn’t Target paying $40k a year or something.

I think the parties as they stand currently were built on New Deal problems and never evolved. I don’t even think the base questions they answer are applicable anymore.
We need new parties, new candidates, new issues. I think the demographic shift we’re experiencing globally will force that, coupled with the US pulling back on patrolling the oceans for free trade. But, I’ve also read 4 books in a month talking about that very topic, so who knows.

I’m not an expert on anything except moving freight and I’m shocked I’m an expert at that. I can give you baseball stats, NFL draft picks and their 40 times, and good horror movie recommends…not much else with confidence.

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Warden, I hate to say it. I feel you are in denial. This is the same denial when Dems stood by and watched the right make up rules on how to pick the justices. They had no problem pushing through and voting a judge in months before an election. Biden is WEAK…And he is going to go down hard. The sad thing is when he loses you and others will be shocked and say WHAT HAPPENED. That debate MATTERED. It showed a weak and feebile old man. The one that everyone did not want to see. It is not an over reaction. I can’t vote for Biden. Can’t do it. As for other canidates if Trump is that bad of one than anyone we put should be able to beat him. Newsome will beat him and there are a couple of others as well. Hey, keep holding that rope. I don’t know what else to say. He is losing every toss up state that matters right now. The gap continues to grow. We are going to see a second Trump term and the sad thing is something can be done about it.

Warden, I am a dem…Voted that way since I had the opportunity to do so back in 1990. Biden running will be the first time I do not vote Dem. Sorry but this is the is the single worst decision any person can make. This denial on the left is sad. They just can’t handle the truth. This is arrogance on the left. I will vote the down ballot but not Biden. I will either write someone in or not vote at all.

Could be, but I won’t be shocked. Bikki is right; Biden has a huge ego. To think he didn’t step aside after a successful term is asinine. I’d love for Biden to somehow back out and someone else take the reigns. Don’t give a shit who, but I welcome it. Beyond that, I vote against Trump, period. Those I’m close enough to where we discuss it feel the same way outside of 1. All my family are vehement racists so they vote Trump no matter what, and we rarely talk not because of Trump but because of who they are that motivates them to vote for Trump. I have a brother who I’ve not said a word to in about 6-7 years. Won’t go to his funeral, he won’t go to mine.

Vote for whomever you want, man. Maybe we need it, though. Fascist states don’t last long. They burn everything and make people wake-up and address some actual core issues. Lots of people die, though. How else would we evolve to actually have a government that works at this point other than elect a dictator who reminds everyone what that 70 years of relative peace and economic stability for the entire planet actually meant? From the Newt Gingrich Congress to now, we have a non-functioning system.

I have my passport. I have my guns. We have backup breakout plans for Costa Rica, Ireland and Argentina if needed and places to go in each. I can still keep the business moving with remote work as can all my staff. We shall see. One thing is for sure, I don’t make the rules and nobody gives a shit what I think about it.

I think this will end up being the biggest wake up call for the US in over 100 years. Trump is awful but the fact that the Dems are so arrogant that they can just roll this dead corpse out there and we will vote for him is BS.

I think the biggest enemy of the Democrats is the DNC. Fire them, tell them to go home, lock the doors and burn down the building. If they got out, great. If not, fuck em.

If the Democrats want to beat Trump, they have the candidate already in hand, and that candidate is not Big Mike Obama. The best candidate the Dem could put forth is Joe Manchin, who is what most thought Biden was when he ran in 2020. Manchin is a moderate and would IMO take the majority of undecided voters.

On account of the border invasion and hyperinflation, it will be difficult for any Democrat to win, especially one who would continue to support racist DEI policies, rejecting merit and past achievement .

It looks like Biden’s brain is not so muddled that he doesn’t realize that he has been betrayed by a cabal within his own party, along with the press that formerly covered up his obvious dementia. Joe is digging in his heels. Besides, he’s not going anywhere until he pardons his human disgrace of a son, and other excessively greedy members of his crime family. Las Vegas odds makers are smarter than pollsters; they’re picking Joe to be the nominee, and it’s not even close.