What are they hiding?

What are they hiding?

Trump’s 7 hr gap makes Nixon’s 18 minute gap look ridiculous

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Good question. For the record, I would have that same energy for ANY president under these exact same set of circumstances.

The gap is curious. As I always say, they should absolutely investigate.

Warden, don’t engage the ghost. His posts will disappear in a few minutes. It’s much more hilarious when no one notices him.


Paging @Canes51


It always follows the same pattern.

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You mean you not reading the article? I agree 100% if follows the same pattern of you not reading the article and that the story is getting worse for Mein Trumph.

Trump breaking norms and trying to hide his conversations, by using his cell phone and others to communicate while being surrounded by a bunch of unregistered foreign agents. Sound presidential enough for you yet?

Trump knew on this day, in particular, that as he tried to overthrow the United States of America pithat he should in fact keep all comms off of official government channels so that his attempted to Coup could not be used against him later.

The irony is now the web of calls will be pieced together, digitally, so that the communications paths can be directly tied together for the presentation.

Thank goodness the Veeps record keeping sounds marginally better than the traitor.

“Could be.”

Lmfao! This is hilarious. They always have to use qualifying language with Trump.

Just show us the goods man. Why “could be?”

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Trump is truly like a Boy Scout. He neither smokes nor drinks nor colludes with Russia. He has withstood five years of persecution and effort to defame his integrity. Now, let’s see how Biden will fare with respect to the Laptop from Hell.