Well, Gators stole Rashada. Let the "games" begin!

I’m actually surprised we haven’t lost more than him yet.

1st Rat Leaves The Ship

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We will likely return the favor soon with one of their DB commits not to mention McClain picking us over UF.

Looks like our Panhandle local kid Emory Williams may get some playing time earlier than expected. Williams is an under the radar talent. He has a great arm, and was hotly pursued by our local University of West Florida which won the 1999 Div II national championship and has only lost four games since then.

Miami should have gone after Austin Reed who left West Florida and is very successful at Western Kentucky. PeeWee Jarrett, West Florida’s present QB has another year of eligibility left. He’s already better than any UM QB including Van Dyke.

deleted Rashada all lists.

AT THIS POINT…Can’t say I blame the kid, he basically decided that amount of money he was receiving NOW…was not worth what he could be sacrificing for his development and a larger amount of money in the future.

Whether he was right or wrong remains to be seen. But at this point, can’t knock it. Not sure what he thinks this UF offensive regime shows as far as development goes, but that’s another story.

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