We’re not gonna talk about

The trans Olympic boxer beating up women for gold?

What a fucking disgrace.

The only good that will come out of it is I see die hard liberals mortified.

Choices have consequences.

We can talk about it if you want.

I am all for the trans community doing what they want with their bodies and their free time, but I don’t agree with this.

The whole point of women’s sports is to give them a separate tier to compete on. This defeats that purpose, and we may as well abolish all women’s sports if this is the direction we’re going.

That’s coming from your tolerant left. This was always the ultimate end to this nonsense.

It’s also a reason many non political people can’t vote Dem anymore.

This is true. IMO, this ultra-progressive wing has done more damage to the Democrat party than anything else. It was at its worst in the early 2010s, and directly led to the rise of Donald Trump.

Now that Dems have taken back the top office, Biden has wisely steered clear of being “super woke.” I personally hope Harris follows suit.

Well no shit

Seems a certain side thought it was important to get this up and moving VERY SHORTLY after taking office…First week of office? Second? What was it?

I personally hope Harris follows suit.

So you are hoping for a complete 180?

this ultra-progressive wing has done more damage to the Democrat party than anything else. I

Period. So well said. If it wasn’t for these maniacs I would likely still be voting Dem (although honestly politics doesn’t mean much to me, I accept everyone, and would prefer to be left alone, even mores by government)


Let’s hope enough.

Men beating up women is just another travesty brought about by woke insanity. Small wonder the enthusiasm for traditional America as seen in people flocking into Trump rallies. We need to put wokesters out of business and restore sanity.

Which law are you talking about? I was talking about the Algerian team in the Olympics in France.

I’m hoping for a continuation of the current administration that she is VP of.

I totally believe it. The ultra-progressives push people right. I think any extremism in politics has that effect. That’s why I’m a moderate.

Oh so her being named the most liberal senator, or one of most liberal senators…Was an accident?

Blame the Olympic committee. Dems had nothing to do with these Olympics.

First off - I am against women boxing. Also think they should not do mma. Wtf type of women likes to get into a ring and get her face punched in.

The women in these sports should have gotten together and protested these other fighters from being allowed to fight. If they all stood up and said no…they would have not had any fights.

The ioc came out today and said they are not trans women. They are actuallly women. Of course let’s make shit up. Both of the women have lost and neither has yet to win a gold. So why are none of the people crying don’t have a problem with them losing.

The Title IX shit

I never saw who named her or when. Which liberal policies are you against specifically?

Fair enough. That was passed under Obama. Trump rescinded some of that stuff. Biden put even less of it back. I don’t see him as a very “woke” president overall, and I think that’s clear by his messaging.

I’ll name some of the policies that she’s openly stated that are left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. She was rated as the farthest left Senator on voting record just a few years ago by Gov track, a non-partisan group. Sanders was #2 and Warren #3.

She’s for universal basic income.

She is for mandatory gun buy backs like Australia (she has tried to walk this one back).

She is for free health care for illegal immigrants (she has tried to clarify this even though she is on camera staying she’s for this).

She is a champion of equity, and not equality like Bernie Sanders is for. She stated that equality is giving people the same opportunity, while equity is realizing that some people need a little bit more to end up in the same place as others. You could also read that as that she’s for reparations, although I haven’t heard that specifically.

She’s trying to scrub her record now because she knows it’s too extreme for the mainstream public, but she can’t hide it.

I don’t know if she has a strong conviction about any of those stances. I think she might vote what’s politically expedient. I did forget one, and the area she seems to be most passionate about is abortion until birth.

She loves abortion.

I’m out on all that.

Quick side bar on abortion and pro lifers. Black women have abortion rates that are historically 3-4 times that of white women in the US in the last three decades. If many of us who are pro-life are so racist, you think we’d like to see more abortions because that would mean less black kids right? Why would we want to prevent abortions when they have killed millions of black babies the last few decades? Food for thought.

Don’t fall for the bs excuse from the IOC. That was a man beating a woman. He/she was banned from boxing in international competition but the IOC let her box in the Olympics. Don’t get duped 80.

Thanks for the breakdown, Indiana.

I think some of those points mischaracterize her stance. I believe UBI, for example, was a pandemic-only thing. And Harris denies she wants abortion until birth. She mainly wants to restore protections from Roe v Wade.

But I get a conservative being opposed to most of those things.

Sounds like there’s quite a bit of disinformation going around.

One thing we know is that she was born a girl and grew up a woman. At least that’s all anybody knows. If there is some trickery going around, it’s not a trans rights issue, it’s just a trick.

So right off the bat the conservative narrative is WRONG. This is not at all about trans rights. NOBODY IS ASSERTING TRANS RIGHTS.

Now, there was an UNDISCLOSED TEST that she failed. The Russian-run IBA conducted the test and failed her for confidential reasons right after she beat a Russian competitor. So that’s pretty sketchy right there, and the IBA is not accredited. They are a corrupt organization. It doesn’t mean they’re wrong, but it means it’s hard to trust them. They claim there was a confidential test, but they won’t even say what it was…

I think it’s a little more complex though. I thought I read that she has XY chromosomes but it isn’t cut and dry. And her testosterone levels are extremely high.

Either way you slice it it looks like a guy beating up a girl.

This is one of the weirdest stories I’ve ever seen.

So they are saying born a woman and her country doesn’t allow sex changes.

But there is competing narrative that he/she was confirmed xy chromosome and has abnormally high testosterone.

I’m going to suspend my judgement until some more reliable info comes out on this person.

Too complicated to form a complete opinion on it at the moment.