Virginia Tech

Happy fucking birthday, Mario.

Rarely do things go Miami’s way. We lost two national championships on ripoff plays (Penn State and Ohio State). There is going to be a lot of talk about this game. It certainly was a wild one.

I thought with the ball being lose and the out of bound Miami player touching it would make it a dead out of bounds ball.

bonus tonight… VT is 2-3. :rofl:

Let’s be honest here. The refs did not gift Miami the game. The VT receiver did not survive the ground. The ball was bobbling around… and Miami took it.

Game. Over.

Wasn’t a catch. But definitely a tricky overturn

Imagine being that jackoff referee running from the center of the end zone to make that hero call when you saw the ball bobbling around and UM running out to the damn 10 yard line with the ball.

It’s great to be…

(Undefeated, at least for one more week)


Did Terry Porter call that a catch???

What a shytshow. VT is not a good team and Miami phoned it in. Lucky to come out with a win.

I am disappointed in our rushing game. Martinez has yet to impress me. Fletcher looks better to me, faster, more elusive, and still powerful. Cam was the most effective rusher and made quite a number of crucial first downs rushing.

I’ll never forget the drive with Restrepo’s catch and Cam in the grasp of a tackler shuffling the ball to Williams who went like a runaway freight train down the sideline almost to the goal line.

Did we deserve to win? I’m not sure.

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A win is a win. Fck 'em.


Ya really needs to get going

In all fairness, the OL has been a little bit disappointing in that regard.

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That’s pretty much how Ive felt this season.Fletcher should be the starter. He gets tough yards when needed.

I know the O line has a big part to play, But Fletcher runs behind the same guys and he gets more done.

Thank goodness for that back camera!!! It shows all the ball movement as they continue to jostle out of bounds.

Winning every game in college football is tough. It is not easy to get these kids motivated week in and week out. Miami was up 14-7 and scored. You go up 21-7 and that game has a much different outcome. Miami made the game tougher. This game showed its flaws. I think the back end is a concern and will continue to be. Miami is going to have more of these types of games. This team is still not complete. Mario will have better teams in 2025 and 2026. Will he have the QB. Cam is special. Yes he makes some poor decisions but you will live with that when he makes plays like he did to the TE on the final drive.

My main complaint is why…WHY for the love of GOD to defensive coordinators forget how to coach on final drives. There was 8 seconds and then 3 seconds where Va Tech called a play. You need to bring pressure. There is no way I am letting a QB get the ball off without being pressured. This makes no sense to me. Miami won and it does not matter now what happened during the game. You scored 38 and had a bad night on offense. The run game will come. There were moments last night Miami ran the ball. I do think their splits on the OL are way too tight.


I also hate when Ds do that. If you roll up, you’ll see I said I would blitz… Send the house. Stupid to send three rushers and give the QB all the time to set up.

Agreed with it all 80. Fun college football game to watch. Nice to get a call our way. I’ll take a survive and advance week. Hope the injuries aren’t too bad. Hope they clean it up.

They should have never ruled it a td on the field. That was the crazy part.

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Few thoughts - first off a win is a win. The tough part as a fan is now we have the ability to in real time scrutinize every play call. We can do it with every player. We can do it with every coach. It was not like that in the 80’s and 90’s. While we have so much more at are disposal to break down games, it was way more fun back then.

As I get older I just enjoy the games and not try and get to wrapped up in it. I did catch myself multiple times last night upset when things did not go Miami way. I have become a fan. I know Mario personally and want to see him do well. While flawed as a coach so is pretty much every other coach…

Bikki always talked up Saban…they just don’t exist. You have Saban, Jimmy, Urban and maybe now smart…the list is not long. I felt jimbo was in that group until he left fsu and shit the bed at Texas A&M - what they all had in common is being able to evaluate and develop at an elite level. Mario is an elite recruiter. There are very few of the Saban types. I do think the guy at Liberty could be next in line…

Good coaches X’s and O’s

Mike Norvell
Jedd Fisch
Mike Gundy
Drinkwitz Missouri
Dan Mullen
Curt Cignetti
Lance Leipold
Jeff Tedford
Lane Kiffin

Great recruiters
Dan Lanning

Borderline great coach and recruiter
Lincoln Riley

Great at both

Most coaches have flaws…I think fans will always have something to bitch about. I do believe that while Mario has flaws - his teams at Miami will eventually be stacked. Yes it would be great for you to have a Saban like coach but ask bikki they don’t exist.

Th ACC stated that the play was incomplete because a Miami player touched the ball while he was out of bounds, therefore making the pass incomplete.

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Yes, obvious bobbling and possession issues aside, it was the fact a Miami player touched the ball while it was being bobbled while he was out of bounds that made the difference.

“During the review process of the last play of the Virginia Tech at Miami game, it was determined that the loose ball was touched by a Miami player while he was out of bounds which makes it an incomplete pass and immediately ends the play.”

I’m amazed the refs called that a TD when they were so obviously unsure about what call to make.Maybe they have to make a ruling and aren’t allowed to say, “we’re not sure, let the replay booth figure it out.”

Miami got exposed by the first decent team they played. Pass protection problems, run blocking problems, tackling problems, coverage problems and Ward made three really bad turnovers (two that cost Miami TD’s and all 3 led to VT scores.). This is no better than a 9 win team IMHO. (I think I predicted 9-3 in the pre-season? as did many others.)

Miami was fortunate that VT opted to go for that insane fake FG instead of taking the easy 3 points at 27-17 because that made a huge difference in the outcome. Down by one point not four, VT just would have needed a FG at the end to win if they had taken the earlier gimme FG.

As is my normal practice, I did not watch game live and just watched the condensed game on YouTube. Otherwise, I would be traumatized for life. :grinning:

This …

Great post, Fish. I’m with you regarding Mario. No doubt he’s a top tier recruiter. What player’s mom would not trust Mario Cristobal. He’s the apotheosis of wholesomeness. He’s at the top of the good people category.

It will be interesting tonight to see how DeBoer does against Smart. I like Alabama in the game, however, I am not as sold as many on Milroe. When Milroe is good, he’s fantastic, but Milroe is inconsistent and capable of making a bone-headed play under duress.