USAID funding terror

@skeeter you think they’ll defend this too?

Longer clip


Of course they do…They defend everything that isn’t Trump. And of course Doge is evil as well. Lost little sheep.

Nope,seems pretty stupid. What’s curious is now you view them as terrorists, which I do too.

What’s curious is I didn’t see your outrage when Trump forced the Afghan govt to free 5,000 Taliban soldiers. I don’t recall your outrage when he invited those terrorists to Camp David. Nor do I recall your outrage when he forced Pakistan to release their leader and then he surrendered to those terrorists telling them we’d pull out in 14 months and never once involving the Afghan govt that we installed and built instead ONLY dealing with the terrorist Taliban.

Funny, I don’t recall you calling them terrorists then.

wtf? When did I not say the Taliban as terrorists?

This is all deflection. Has nothing to do with the topic. We were in the process of working through an evacuation of Afghanistan. Trump wasn’t giving them aid. Biden did by leaving all of our equipment.

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Once again, a display in the overall lack of integrity and honesty.
First, as mentioned in the testimony,. the funds were sent to NGOs. Since the Taliban were given control of the country by Trump, removed from prison by Trump, and handed the country by Trump…the now handle the distribution of those funds to said NGOs. Previously, it was the Afghan government that handled that aspect before Trump gave the country to the Taliban, having given US surrender to them. . They were sent to the UN, who then sent them to the NGOs in Afghanistan under Biden. However, those USAID funds were granted by Congress, not Biden.
Under Trump, the same funding was sent, but directly to the NGOs. Under Biden, they sent it to the UN to distribute to their approved NGOs. If Trump hadn’t given the country to the Taliban, the money would still go to the same NGOs, the same once used under Trump where the Taliban took the same cut.

Once again, just like under Biden, the US wasn’t directly or intentionally paying the Taliban. But, they were taking a cut of the same USAID funding under Trump as they were under Biden.

I’d like to say it was ironic you had more problem with the US sending money to the UN, who then sent it to NGOs in Afghanistan and the government rule of the Taliban took a cut than Trump literally dismissing the Afghanistan government and handing the government over to the Taliban, freeing their prisoners and forcing Pakistan to free their leader…for you, this is quite typical.

First, we’ve left behind military equipment in every single war since WW2. There are whole documentaries about it under Bush.
Second, because the surrender was negotiated by Trump to the Taliban, it handicapped any efforts by the US built Afghan government to have any control whatsoever. Trump handed the government to the terrorist Taliban. This caused the US to have a rapid withdrawal allowing for the Taliban to seize even some military equipment that we didn’t want to leave. We could have stayed and fought over it, except Trump surrendered already and gave them our withdrawal timeline, a timeline Biden carried out.

Isn’t it curious the same Congress that approved the funds to the UN brought in Gregg Roman, a former official in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense to talk about said programs so they could pretend they didn’t know anything about them?

It’s called money laundering you moron.

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You literally have decades of Trump money laundering Russian oligarch money through his hotels, directly. You have him opening a crypto currency in his name right before the election where any foreign entity can throw unlimited money at him and its untraceable. You have hidden Chinese ban accounts, Jared getting $2 billion from the Saudis and not doing shit with it but collecting massive fees, a myriad of overt money scams directly in your face…Elon getting awarded the FAA contract after it was already awarded to Verizon, $400 million in armored Teslas…right in your face, and you instead build up a vast conspiracy of USAID money through the UN, to the central bank of Afghanistan and through NGOs.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Son, you’re a special kind of stupid.

Did this cunt forget to include the Taliban part or is he basically admitting Trump didn’t fund terror?

Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!

This has nothing to do with whatever Trump thing you want to focus on.

Why can’t you just agree that this is absolutely ridiculous and it should be stopped?

You just can’t help yourself. Your hatred is amazingly feminine and out of control. Like an hysterical little girl you are.

Trump! Trump! Trump! Everywhere I see Trump!!!

Distract, Distract, Distract…w the fuck does our president need to be on tv every single day? GSC, you sold your soul to man. Defend him all you want. We are five weeks in and the guy is running the country right into the ground. Dont worry it is par for the course. The economy in two years will be where his casino was at the end.

If trump truly was good at doing his job his enablers would not have to defend him daily.

Literally every president is on today every day you fucking idiot. Every…single…president.

How is a human being this fucking stupid and emotional?

What does this mean?

This cunt melts down over him every day…HE’s the one that’s in the right then huh?


I can’t with these ppl. This is what the media does to ppl. Straight mush brains.

Media. Wait the guy who listens to nothing but the media to make up his mind. Ok. You are brainwashed.

Your family came from cuba but you are defending a man (trump) who supports a dictator (putin) - you cant make this shit up. Your family members are rolling over in their graves.

I actually watch and read almost zero media. I may watch a couple of clips here and there when I hear something happened.

I’m almost 100% media free.

False, it has everything to do with Trump. Trump gave the Taliban the country. You simply aren’t honest.

Ironically, I did that in the first sentence. Your little girl hysterics obviously allowed you to skate right by that response, huh?

Now to the crux…you are obsessed with calling things feminine. The constant drumbeat of calling things feminine is just another way to try and shield yourself from discomfort- whether that be from being challenged, feeling emotions, or probably even questioning your own sexuality. No doubt, you have some deep seeded psychological issues and overcompensation for your internal conflict that’s so evident to the rest of us.

Nobody ever questioned your dedication to being uninformed in all respects.

Yup…And it’s you, nole80, etc…Who are the sane ones here…I mean we can all tell by your tirades of sanity

Also same guy who typed tha ^^ t, typed this

Your little girl hysterics obviously allowed you to skate right by that response, huh?



Ohhhh you are advocating we stay in Afghanistan forever? 20 years wasn’t enough?

You did a “that being said” which negates your initial comment.