That’s not what I was asking, but you get to the point later on ITT.
It is a morality issue for you. I think that’s great. I also am capable of understanding that morality is subjective as fuck (thankfully). You don’t like abortions, then don’t get one. I support your individual position 100%.
A baby - yes - a baby - that is in the womb at 8 months and 30 days - can be murdered - so long as it doesnt pass through the birth canal first. Entirely viable.
Again - I get that you don’t want to acknowledge that uncomfortable truth, and I don’t blame you. It’s easier to be indifferent when you dehumanize.
Then there is the argument that, “Abortions should be ok, because a child can be born into poverty and suffer.” A child can be born into poverty and overcome. A child could be born into wealth, and still end up in poverty. If we as a society really lived out the principal of love thy neighbor, there would be no poverty, so IMO, the poverty argument is a cop out.
Convenience, escape responsibility…and so on. Spot on GSC. A small number are also from women whose hearts have been broken by men who walked away when he finds out she’s expecting.
This shit is hilarious and misses my point entirely. I’m referring to the women you will kill and destroy their heath as you instill your fucking Bazaar handmaid’s tale world.
But to your point, obviously a small number of abortions are done to save a woman’s life and or because of rape as those are rare to begin with. Then when you lump 99% of everything else as a lifestyle, your argument is perfect. Your argument is obviously true and unnecessary to state. However, it is legal and none of your business anyway. So you stating a reason why has no bearing on the conversation at all.
I think the argument that “the child might have a hard life” as a reason for abortion is nonsense.
Because life MIGHT get hard validates murder? Newsflash - life IS hard. Life WILL have challenges. No getting around it. So many people get to a place that they want to be - only after having to going through adversity.
This has nothing to do with abortion. You’re born with the ability to have kids or not.