Um.....did you guys know that THE U is now a member of the AAU?

I guess it was made official about two months ago but I never really read it anywhere. Six new members were announced for the Association of American Universities on May 31st…

Notre Dame
Arizona State
George Washington
South Florida

Seems like something the school’s been building toward for some time now. I guess being a major research institution would make this a given at some point. Nice to see the U has made it.

Side note: Not that UM is necessarily looking that way or anything but should they want to be up for B1G membership, this is one of those hurdles you HAVE TO, I mean have to be able to clear. It’s a check mark you have to have to gain admittance. All of their schools have it but Nebraska and they had it when they entered the B1G then lost the designation later on. I thought it was interesting and worth noting with all the conference jumping around that’s always going on. Now…about that pesky ACC grant of rights that expires in 13 years… :slight_smile:

I’ve heard nothing is likely to happen until 2024 at the earliest and more likely 2025. Miami would prefer B1G due to the better media rights than the SEC.

Is college football truly heading to 2 conferences? SEC and B1G

From the ACC:
ND, Miami, UNC, Clemson, and FSU will get picked up 100%

Pac and B12 are the first two to “fail” unless FSU (state of Florida) cracks the ACC grant of rights.

was it blake james that signed us up for that awful 20 year rant of rights? we are so screwed being stuck in this dreadful conference

Pretty sure he was here when the acc network was added and the rights went from 26 to whatever

James is the AD at BC now.

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The ‘powers that are’ have been screwing us since their decision to join the Big East. Then it was the ACC. Then it was signing on to the ACC grant of rights for a tremendously stupid amount of years. We’d be sitting pretty in a real conference by now if we had elected to remain independent as ND did. Instead we just had to sign into a crap conference and then one not all that much better. That absolutely helped kill our recruiting and cripple our team.The decisions made by the powers were made with thought of the business $$$ much more than the good of the team itself. We’re probably going to pay dearly for that if we do not find a way out of the ACC quickly. Let’s not kid ourselves, our market value has diminished greatly. We can’t sell ourselves as the team that “was” anymore. We can easily find ourselves in the category of the not wanted. Don’t be so sure the SEC, B1G or B12 are real eager to grab us up. We don’t sell like we used to. Those days have greatly disintegrated thanks to bad decision making at the U. If you think I’m pessimistic just stick around for a while and see what pans out. If our powers don’t get off their asses really, really soon and figure a way out of this prison we’re in deep kimchi.

First off, this is a two horse race. Big10 vs SEC. By next August, expect the acc to be blown apart. At worst, august 2025 but everything I’ve read/heard says next august.

Miami has history, media market, AAU, & recruiting location. I doubt it gets left out and even if that does happen, college football will not be the same. 40ish teams in two conferences.

In the meantime, WIN! Build the football facility that coral gables never would approve over the years…but is now open to allowing.

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