Turnover Chain

Will CMC retire the Chain and Rings? I vote yes!

It was cool when it was first introduced. It kind of loses its luster when getting blown out. I never liked the TD rings. I say retire them both.

I heard the Chain is gone

And if that’s true, the rings should be too!

I’m a little surprised someone didn’t ask him this at the presser.

I think they should go. Had a good run. If we’re talking a culture change (minus the kids fighting every game - this I’ve loved this season), I think they go.

Never liked the turnover chain. Corny.

And when it gets bad- it’s embarrassing to watch. Retire that sucker.

I liked the first one. That one showed up repeatedly and we were beating teams, especially Notre Dame, when it came out. The rest of them sucked!

Gettin curb stomped and the Turnover Chain comes out doesn’t have the same effect

The rings are lame. No question they need to go.

The chain… I agree it’s not a good look when you are getting smacked around. I think that it’s not always the Ds fault that the game is not going well. Kids do respond to accolades. However, I think the TO chain still has something to offer.

I think the players responded well to the chain. The flash and the swag angle can’t be overlooked. I also really think the fans responded to the chain. Even the media also responded to the chain. Announcers during the games would get excited when Miami got their first TO of a game so they could see the chain come out.

I am somewhat ambivalent about the chain, but it should not be summarily dismissed without some thought.

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Hopefully those days of getting curb stomped are over so we don’t have to worry about that. :wink:

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It make you cringe :grimacing: :joy::joy:

Well reasoned post.

I like the chain. A TO is a big swing. I would vote to keep it, but if Cristobal for any reason decides to kill it I’d be fine with that.

The TD rings are dumb. I understand the desire to give a similar reward to the O, but it should be bigger and more rare than a TD, like a TD scored from outside the red zone or something. Flashing jewelry for every TD dilutes the whole idea.

I’m willing to keep the turnover chain if we create a concurrent rule that states we don’t take the turnover chain out after the second half and down 3 or more scores. At that point let’s just play.

The Turnover Chain’s time has come and gone.

Now is the time to introduce the “You Really Fucked Up Dunce Cap”

I’ll miss Miami players taking celebratory sideline selfies whilst getting curb stomped by a mediocre foe.

Will Cristobal serve pancakes to the OL’s on the sideline who just had one on the field? Have a big dinner table on the sideline for the big boys to eat.

Time to retire the Turnover Chain.

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Did Oregon do anything similar?

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Yes - it’s almost exactly the same. An O chain

After todays perfomance how about a turnover dunce cap for turning the ball over. You have to wear it the whole possession of the other teams drive.