What a disgrace Trump is. He’s like a baby whining and crying about not being able to make a deal, begging Zelensky to sign away his country for literally nothing.
If Trump truly believed in American isolationism, that this is a European war, then he should STFU and GTFO.
Stop begging. Stop whining to the media. He’s the president of the US for chrissakes. Just get out of Europe and continue “helping” the American people.
But to be more specific, your thread seemed to be about cheap shots. My thread’s about Trump being handed the keys to a Lamborghini and crashing it into every stop sign and parked car he sees.
Dude is destroying American exceptionalism in slow motion.
Just as the US has a ridiculous peace deal that is shilling for Russia, now Europe is offering a peace deal shilling for Ukraine.
Keep in mind, neither of these are real peace deals. These are performative, meant to sway public opinion. Trump desperately wants to smear Zelensky’s name, and he’s trying really hard, because once he does he can pull out of Ukraine without looking like a loser.
Here Europe is backing Zelensky and showing unity against Russia, with the obvious intent of showing just how uncooperative Putin actually is.
He is by far the worst president this country has ever had. He proved how bad he was in the first term, but people voted him back in anyway, against their own best interests.
Ask yourself that question since you think he’s the best thing since sliced bread. Your delusion that he’s a good president is laughable. The man lies every time he opens his mouth, but you hang on to every word. Tell me something:
Is the wall finished and did Mexico pay for it? No
Have the tariffs produced more jobs in America? No
Exactly what economic impact did renaming the Gulf of Mexico have? None
Did he end the Russia/Ukraine war Day 1? No
Did inflation stop Day 1? No
Did grocery prices drop Day1? No
What is his grade for handling pandemics? F
What happened to the stock market yesterday as he was bashing Reagan for how bad he was at trade?
Is America the laughing stock of the world because of the person in the White House now? I think we all know the answer.
Because of his pen, farmers are at danger of losing their farms. People in the state of Nebraska have stated that their state could be bankrupt in 2 quarters because of his EO’s. People in Alabama will now face higher energy costs as a direct result of his EOs. But this is what people voted for right?
But somehow, despite all this, he’s making America great?
The midterms are going to be lit. There is a large number of Trump voters regretting their vote and that number is growing daily because their vote is now directly impacting their lives in a very negative way. But do go on and tell me how great he is.
The biggest problem I have with guys like Trump and Elon running the country is they have never really run a business. They have others run the business. They may give their input. The government is basically a non profit originization. These guys want to make a profit from everything. They are like Sports teams owners. Why do so many fail, because they have no f ing clue how to run a team. Trump and now Elon are going to be failures. Trump will blame Elon at some point and they will have a blow up. All relationships with Trump never last. There are many who know Trump and they all say the same thing, no one likes the guy. He has become a great politician. You can lie and there is no recourse for your actions.This thing is a trainwreck and I am enjoying it every day.
Sure there is…Let me guess, you talk to a bunch of them every day. You and nole80…Did you talk to his covid doctors and parents of dead covid kids too?
Is the wall finished and did Mexico pay for it? No
Have the tariffs produced more jobs in America? No
Exactly what economic impact did renaming the Gulf of Mexico have? None
Did he end the Russia/Ukraine war Day 1? No
Did inflation stop Day 1? No
Did grocery prices drop Day1? No
What is his grade for handling pandemics? F
What happened to the stock market yesterday as he was bashing Reagan for how bad he was at trade?
Is America the laughing stock of the world because of the person in the White House now? I think we all know the answer.
Who gives a fuck?
It’s been 5 weeks…No one expected day 1
Who cares, I agree it’s stupid.
Not his fault…Take it up with Zelensky and Putin.
It’s been 5 weeks…No one expected day 1
It’s been 5 weeks… No one expected day 1
Based on what?
Markets fluctuate all the time, you absolute fucking cunt. You are going to come back on and post when the dip is bought and it goes back then right?
How do we measure this, you absolute fucking cunt? Some people you follow on twitter sending memes.
I don’t think he’s the best thing since sliced bread. I think he’s the only non-corrupted option. You need to understand that MAGA made this decision for 3 reasons
Trump is authentic. He’s the guy you see talking in the camera unlike all the other 2-faced, rehearsed politicians.
He doesn’t have a patron. No one pulls his strings. Every other politician has someone, or group of people that they act for. Trump doesn’t.
Trump does the things he promises he’ll do.
I don’t like the guy. I can’t tell you how many times he makes me wince. But we’re $39 trillion in debt, illegals pouring in, LGBTQ everywhere. Someone needs to take a flamethrower to it. He’s the guy that will.
Democrats and interest groups stalled it.
I believe tariffs change behavior. They incentivize companies to relocate to the US. I’m sure you’ll find studies that say that the tariffs reduced manufacturing jobs but I’m not sure how they could measure such a thing when COVID had such a huge effect on global demand and supply chains. I think tariffs are a tool. We should use them for certain situations. In others they may not be effective.
In my opinion Trump did this to force liberal democrats into defending Mexico over America in name. Guy is a marketing genius.
No- but why would we expect him to? The guy uses hyperbole all the time. I use it a lot. I’m sure you do too. Have you ever told someone you’d “be there in a minute” and really it was 5 or 10? It’s a method of communication. Trump was saying “I’ll end it quickly”
See above.
See above.
Kind of unfair. Pretty obvious this was “foist” upon him. But more importantly, you think someone else would have responded better? That’s a lot of Monday morning qb’ing.
Idiots like SC and @Elite80 0 sat there with there with a a stop watch and waited for that 24 hours to tick off so he could run to their nearest message board and spazz out like they won a prize.
I don’t like the guy. I can’t tell you how many times he makes me wince. But we’re $39 trillion in debt, illegals pouring in, LGBTQ everywhere. Someone needs to take a flamethrower to it. He’s the guy that will.
Were 39 trillion in debt but cutting taxes, forcing tariffs on other country and having max deportation is not cutting the deficit. Next trump added more to the deficit last time in office. The guy does not mind debt and tells you this straight to your face.
LGBTQ is everywhere- like where. This is such a bs topic from the right. If you dont like it ignore it. Yeah taking a flame thrower sounds great until you actually try it. The guy has conned you and everyone else that he can actually do something. He is a grifter as is every one around him.
So much so, that he defrauds people out of their money. What happened to those build the wall funds? What about that fake university? What happened to the money from “Stop the Steal”? He’s a genius of taking advantage of people who think like you and unfortunately, they fall for it hook, line, and sinker.
I don’t think he’s the best thing since sliced bread. I think he’s the only non-corrupted option. You need to understand that MAGA made this decision for 3 reasons
Non-corruption-lol- putin owns trump. He tried to bribe the georgia republican rep for votes, made up fake electors and tried to bribe zalinsky and now holds it against him. He bribed a porn star and a play boy bunny and bought them off to stay silent before an election. Please tell me what the definition of corrupt is.
Trump is authentic. He’s the guy you see talking in the camera unlike all the other 2-faced, rehearsed politicians.
He doesn’t have a patron. No one pulls his strings. Every other politician has someone, or group of people that they act for. Trump doesn’t.
Trump does the things he promises he’ll do.
He promised republicans low hanging fruit…got the judges to flip the courts and lowered taxes, congrats.
I don’t like the guy. I can’t tell you how many times he makes me wince. But we’re $39 trillion in debt, illegals pouring in, LGBTQ everywhere. Someone needs to take a flamethrower to it. He’s the guy that will.
You like the guy. You dont vote for someone you dont like three times and act like you dont like him. He added 7 trillion to the debt the last time. Trump can give two shits about debt. He filed for bankruptcy many times.
Democrats and interest groups stalled it. Blame the dems. He had the house and senate the first two years. He is not building a wall because it is a stupid idea to start with. He says things like this because his stupid followers think it sounds good coming out of his mouth.
I believe tariffs change behavior. They incentivize companies to relocate to the US. I’m sure you’ll find studies that say that the tariffs reduced manufacturing jobs but I’m not sure how they could measure such a thing when COVID had such a huge effect on global demand and supply chains. I think tariffs are a tool. We should use them for certain situations. In others they may not be effective.
Tarriffs dont do a damn thing good. Listen to true economist and they will tell you. Trump has yet to win a single trade war. They are a tool. One that should go back in the tool shed and never used again.
In my opinion Trump did this to force liberal democrats into defending Mexico over America in name. Guy is a marketing genius. Just another distraction. The libs…no fucking person gives two shits what the gulf of mexico is named.
No- but why would we expect him to? The guy uses hyperbole all the time. I use it a lot. I’m sure you do too. Have you ever told someone you’d “be there in a minute” and really it was 5 or 10? It’s a method of communication. Trump was saying “I’ll end it quickly”
The war has gone on for four years. There may be a cease fire but if putin gets a chance to take back more land he will. Trump basically has given putin the green light. Right now putin is on the ropes everyone knows this and its why so many are upset with trump. Whether trump or anyone else was in the white house the war would have most likely ended. Europe will help end the war.
See above.
Gac is right…the guy is the greatest self promoter ever. He is also the greatest con man ever and after this four years will be known as the only president to be impeached twice. His own party will also turn on him in two years because they wont be scared of him anymore.
Nope. His entire life is riddled with fraud and lies. He even talks about there not being an actual truth in his ghost written book. You’re confusing “authentic” with a simplified, off-the-cuff, and unpolished speaking style…in other words, dumbed-down communication. Trump speaks at a 3rd grade level, often using short, repetitive phrases, informal language, and a conversational tone. The makes him sound “real” and relatable to many, but doens’t mean he’s any more authentic than anyone else. He has proven he has zero value for what’s true or what’s reality.
Elon Musk just spent $270 million to get him elected. For decades he was singularly bailed out by Russian banks. The Heritage Foundation literally wrote a book on what to tell him to do and he’s doing it, step by step, after hiring most of the writers of said book.
That all overlooks the primary benefactor of Trump…Putin.
He didn’t eliminate the federal debt.
He didn’t get Mexico to pay for a wall.
He didn’t replace the Affordable Care Act.
He didn’t invest $1 trillion in infrastructure
He didn’t bring manufacturing jobs back
He didn’t reduce prescription drug prices
He didn’t enact term limits for Congress
He didn’t achieve 4% economic growth
He didn’t keep Carrier jobs in the US
He didn’t prosecute Hillary Clinton
He didn’t get no taxes on overtime
He didn’t get no taxes on tips
Why? They are our biggest trading partner and neighbor.
Because he said so.
No, you both lie.
Nope. He said he’d end it on the first day or before. In reality, he’s just trying to get Ukraine to surrender.
Meaning, you don’t hold him accountable in reality.
Not unfair at all. You are being disingenuous yet again.
While it’s true Covid was unforeseen, this doesn’t absolve any leader of responsibility for how they responded to it. Presidents and leaders are judged not whether they can control external events but how they hand them when they arise. Arguing that it was “foisted upon him” is more deflection than a valid excuse. Leaders are judged by their actions during a crisis, not simply by the crisis itself.
Accountability isn’t “Monday morning quarterbacking.” The phrase is used to dismiss criticism by suggesting it is easy to critique someone’s decisions after the fact. But holding a leader accountable is a key aspect of democratic governance.
For example, there were clear signs the pandemic would be severe, and many experts advised strong actions early on. The delays in implementing testing, mixed messages and failure to set up a coordinated national response were criticisms based in reality of the situation, not hindsight.
In the same manner that you calls things feminine in an effort to dismiss it as weak, inferior or unimportant is intended to shut down an argument by relying on gender based stereotypes instead of enaging in actual discussion. Similarly, saying the pandemic was “foisted” upon Trump** deflects attention away from his actual response and shifts the focus to the fact that the situation was out of his control—essentially, a way to avoid discussing the failures in how it was handled. It redirects blame onto the situation itself rather than taking responsibility for actions.
You have a long and diligent history of avoiding accountability and attempting to position yourself outside the debate, trying to distort the conversation in ways that prevent the person from being held accountable or from having to confront difficult truths. It couples itself with your intention to outsource your morality so you don’t have to work through complicated ideas.
Attempted psychological manipulation and subtle gaslighting. This strategy essentially closes off the possibility for a genuine discussion and avoids accountability, leaving you free from having to explain or justify their views in a meaningful way.
The psychology of deflection, avoidance of accountability, and shutting down debate is not something that appears overnight. People who adopt these behaviors because they offer protection from the vulnerability of admitting mistakes or facing uncomfortable truths. It becomes a defense mechanism, keeping them/you emotionally safe but intellectually stunted.
I’m betting this has surfaced in your married life, your life as a father, son and even at your business life.
Counseling and sacking up like a man would do you some good.
Nope, we use it to dismiss it as overly dramatic and very emotional… Has nothing to do with weak, inferior, or lacking importance…It fits all of you to a tee, you are all very, every emotional for males, if you are even males…but 80 more than anyone.
He are those tariffs working out? Lol. Guys a big pussy . The markets gets killed and trump pulls off. This guy is such a clown. All these countries are playing trump like a fiddle.