Trump Is a Lousy Fascist Compared to Biden and Obama

Renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson explains just who are the fascists among us. Why of course, they are the Democrats while Trump on other hand, spearheaded an administration that was fraught with achievement, making America greater, and refraining from fascism compared to Obama, worst president in history, and Biden who may well steal the crown from Obama.

As I have said time and again, the greatest purveyors of HATE in America are leftists. The Democrat leftist hatred of Donald Trump has become maniacal, but Trump has triumphed as the most salient political figure in America since Lincoln.

Here’s Victor Davis Hanson, one of today’s greatest truthtellers:

Good read…Many fair questions. All of which partisan sheep cunts like djrion will answer with crickets. They’ll run and hide and hit ya with but…but…but…“ORANGEMANDBAD…That’s why!”

Even liberals are sobbering up as they watch Biden Making China Great and trying futilely to punish Russia.