Transferring out

So far I have seen Cody Brown and TAC have entered their names into the portal.
I thought Brown could have played here, but the depth must be too much.
TAC I thought would have clicked by now, but I guess not.

Good luck to both in finding a place to land.

They saw the writing on the wall. Best wishes to them!

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Good. Need to move out all of manny’s undersized project LBs

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Liked TAC and even in scrimmages and the brief time he got looks faster than our other backers. But two staffs had him burried so it is what it is.

I would expect some of this group is considering their options as well

Worsham/Redding (Both have had moments this spring though)
1-2 OL (C.Reed)
Ishmael maybe even Chantz Williams
Huff/Brooks (is he still here???)/Flagg (top 5 rotation) /T.Johnson/Troutman (legal as well)

I have not read every update religiously this spring…But it seems like these guys have improved their stock this spring, to varying levels…Franklin, George, Worsham, Skinner, Taylor, Harvey, Steed, Dunson, J.Williams