Time to Free Derek Chauvin

With the not guilty verdict of Daniel Penny, it’s high time to liberate Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis Cop who followed explicitly the directions published in his police manual in the apprehension of 5 time prison loser George Floyd, who died of a heart attack caused by stenotic arteries and lethal levels of fentanyl in his bloodstream. Chauvin broke no laws during the arrest. His trial was akin to a Russian show trial, before a tainted jury, in a woefully biased venue.

Derek Chauvin is a political prisoner whose conviction was a judicial abomination predicated by the hysteria instigated by the BLM terrorism that afflicted the nation.

Derek Chauvin is the Alfred Dreyfus of this century. While in prison, Chauvin has already been viciously attacked, stabbed 22 times while in the prison law library. The wrong visited upon this man is of monumental proportion, yet it is doubtful that anyone, not even Trump, can secure his freedom, and correct the vile miscarriage of justice. Chauvin should be liberated and paid millions of dollars in damages for being heinously scapegoated by the State of Minnesota.


False. Per his autopsy report: "…concludes that it was a homicide due to “cardiopulmonary arrest” from “law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”

“There’s no evidence to suggest he would have died that night except for the interactions with law enforcement,” Dr. Lindsey Thomas, Hennepin County Minnesota’s assistant medical examiner until 2017, testified to a jury during the Chauvin trial.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner ruled Floyd’s death a homicide with the cause of death as “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression”

A sizable lie not listed in any of the testimony nor court records not autopsy

Yeah? Sounds like a personal problem

Whine, whine whine. Hope he gets an extra dicking today from his cellmate and stabbed a few more times just for good measure

And he said this with a straight face I imagine. :roll_eyes:

Political prisoner Derek Chauvin continues to fight for his complete exoneration of charges that led to his conviction in the kangaroo court trial that took place in Minneapolis. Chauvin’s new legal team is expanding inquiry into George Floyd’s medical records, and will perform tests that should have been done, that were not done, due to deficient legal representation in his trial. These tests, along with testimony of medical experts, will prove that the true cause of George Floyd’s death was not the police restraint technique recommended and pictured conspicuously in the Minneapolis Police Handbook, but was due to Floyd’s failing health and habitual substance abuse.

Derek Floyd is completely innocent and violated no laws whatsoever in dealing with a dangerous career criminal. His trial was a legal abomination and was befouled by overly zealous prosecution that ran rough shod over law.

Hope he gets another gigantic black dick in the ass today to celebrate your post

Derek Chauvin is not guilty and will be exonerated, and he will garner a huge judgment against the State of Minnesota. George Floyd was not murdered by Chauvin. That a jury could not find reasonable doubt given his medical profile and four times the lethal limit of fentanyl in his veins is almost unimaginable. The trial was fraught with error beginning with the denial of the motion to change venue. The jury pool was contaminated by a black activist who lied to get through voir dire. The conviction was an abomination that will not stand. Derek Chauvin is a political prisoner, the Alfred Dreyfus of our age.

That piece of shit will be shanked and gang raped to death long before that. :rofl:

Free political prisoner Derek Chauvin.


Ole Bikki never met a black guy he’d prefer alive rather than dead. Way to never get caught up in things like morality, honesty, or conscience.

That would require effort no?