Three more names

… for the rumor mill.

Someone else on the board said it. No one knows shit.

I tell ya… I am half expecting my name to float up on some site as a rumor list. :roll_eyes:

On the O side, it doesn’t look like Dorsey is being considered.

There’s a rumor that eventually one of these rumors will pan out.


That’s just a rumor.

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I was also told that Cristobal said no leaks. Leakers will be fired from my understanding.

That sounds like a leak

Source: Trust me, bro.

I swear UM cannot have nice things

Hiring coordinators doesn’t take 8 weeks and 2 signing days. He’s botching this imo.

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Hard to argue in many ways. I’m just hoping with a new head of athletics and coach etc they are being extra methodical and trying to get this entirely right for the first time in a long time. I’m hoping…

I’m hoping….the Miami football fan mantra for much too long…