These Next Seven Games

Let’s see what we are made of in these next four games. This is THE test to see where we are, currently, as a program.
All ACC play from here on out.
Let’s HOPE and PRAY that MC and staff learned their lesson and that our players haven’t lost faith in the coaching staff.
Honestly, we do have the talent and ability to run the table.
My gut says we go 3-4 the rest of the way.
Our wins come against Virginia, Boston College and Clemson.
I hope that I’m wrong but this stretch will test our schemes and mental toughness.

a big win over UNC is needed badly. will do alot to silence all the negativity about last week

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I can see it now … we drop 4+ more games and everyone blames it on MC’s stupidassed GT fuckup.

I think UNC thrashes Miami tonight. I hope to be proven wrong.

As for the rest of the season, I predicted 7-5 at the beginning of the season and I think that will be right +/- one game. 6-6 or 8-4 are also possible, but 6-6 seems the more likely of the two.

Miami struggled at home against a weak GT team before gifting them the win in one of the most retarded coaching decisions in football history. The team has to be completely demoralized after that game and UNC is a good team playing at home. Miami loses by 20+? We’ll see.

The book on Mario has been that he is an mediocre game day coach but an incredibly good recruiter. Not sure if he or Dawson made the call not to take a knee but ultimately, the HC is responsible for everything so the loss is on Mario. Hopefully, the coaches learned a lesson and never do something that indefensibly stupid again.

Mario better recruit lights out and let his coordinators run the defense and offense because he ain’t outcoaching anyone.

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Miami can play with UNC and could win the game, but I agree with stork think they have one of those let down games. Don’t think they’ve recovered from the HC giving the game away last week.

That game has no bearing on this game. We are right there where we want to be. It’s going to be tight.

The team is up for this game and too much is made of the close loss. All talk from the fans.

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i have still not recovered from what happened vs GT. still ticked off…maybe beat FSU and win out and i’ll consider the season salvaged. but we all know that won’t happen with this head coach

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