I guess your concern is the equal footing comment would require the government to be in the middle all the time. I guess I could see that but don’t believe American’s want this. One of the big negatives of depending on the government is the mental health of the people tank. Humans want to fend for themselves.
Let’s circle back to this in June. My money is on massive vaccinations and a big unlocking of the economy that only grows over the summer months. Hell, I’ll be walking around without a mask in public by summer no matter what they say.
ok. I already walk around in public without a mask. Just put it on indoors to respect others wishes. I do wash my hands and avoid large gatherings which I really miss but would rather avoid until I get my chance for the vaccine.
I work in the live event space which is CRUSHED. Just this weekend, I know of events over 4000 people. Next month 6000. April 8000. May 12k. all gathered pretty closely in public approved by local government. Thus, some states and local governments are banking on the vaccines and public using masks, washing hands…
Ya that’s not good enough imo…But if you can tell me the only place I would have to wear a (virtue signaling) mask moving forward is the grocery store/drug store whatever, I guess I would sign off immediately as I have no leverage.
This looking forward to shit like everything ok is so blind imo…This doubling and tripling down and prolonging mitigation has ZERO to do with people’s health and has hurt us we try to move towards herd immunity and helped the country sink into the shitter
The left’s plan for “eliminating poverty” is to have the middle class join them…Therefore we are all “equal”. Covid has played a big a part as any in that.
I know some…And I know of plenty. How about the ones that lost their business? How about the ones hanging on by a thread? You don’t think they are in a bad situation right now?
And to step away from money, what they are doing to children right now is a fucking CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. No other way to look at it.
But ya you honestly don’t see any signs or have any worry that the left is moving towards wealth redistribution? I’m anti-all of that shit and I am not a rich man at all…I will most likely never be anywhere near the types and amounts of money you have hinted towards making and having in your posts. I don’t want anyone’s fucking money though and I will die homeless in the street before I take an ounce from the government. It’s not me.
100% lots of people hurting and not better off than 2019. Heading toward poverty, nope.
Some are getting close to the end of the rope business wise which is why I’d rather 1.9m as ppp vs distribution checks. The issue with ppp is that it went to everyone vs directly targeted to those individuals and industries hurt the most. It was a paint roller over everything with no data to show real need. We are now 8 months later with real data to show the need.
As for wealth distribution, I get it and don’t care. I’ve paid millions in taxes, don’t expect anything from it outside of paved roads and public schools. They can attempt to pull it off and I’d bet I’d be a millionaire within 24months. Why? I can out work all of the lazy ass MFers wanting the checks. I can out smart all of them and the government. Now that said, I’d likely move to Australia where the population is 28m and the land size is equal to the 48 states. You can’t steal my freedom and money if you can’t find me. Haha
It does suck but realistically, businesses fail all the time especially during recessions. While I understand you believe this was not needed and a major over reaction to Covid, it has happened. Good business owners will react quickly to either cut off the bleeding, find new revenue, or both. Those that due both tend to produce wealth. Those that don’t react are left holding on to hope of returning to the old days.
The good news, in q3 those same people who are smart and hard working will have an opportunity to open their doors and make money like they did in the past. Yeah, 12-18months of less to no revenue sucks and breaks most companies but those that had a reserve(all good businesses should), got ppp, adjusted to cut the bleeding… will rebound.
We can debate for years on what was needed/not needed regarding the response. One thing that most people don’t know: the vast majority of the wealth in the USA is controlled by those most likely to die: over 60! We also know the government is controlled by…the wealthy. 2+2=lockdowns to protect the wealthy who control the government. Not even talking about the elite, just the wealthy top 2%.
Treason- not sure that would hold up in the courts.
politicans get their funds from old people. They know that they have to represent those old people or the money dries up. That isn’t treason or even illegal at this point. That is the shady ass country we live in with a government that doesn’t represent US!
Sure. That is one pretty massive rabbit hole you are going down. I’m sure some are doing that including politicans but the major of 60plus wealthy individuals aren’t. Their wealth is normally tied up in real estate and stocks in the USA.