The US will have to send their sons and daughters to fight”

I hope you war hawks don’t have young sons like me. Keep supporting this maniac.

GSC, the guy who’ll 100% of the time go for the obvious bullshit while denying basic things like gravity and morals.

GSC, if you let Ukraine go, what is ok? Once you turn your back on them, Russia feels its ok to take back the baltic states. You will have putin on the doorstep of poland next. That allows china now to waltz into taiwan. North Korea says fuck it let’s attack south korea. It is a very volatile situation and it puts your partners in that region at risk. The money being spent now is peanuts compared to what the cost will be when russia just says fuck it.

They don’t care. Whatever benefits Putin is more to their liking.

They don’t consider them their partners. They consider Putin their partner

Much rather have Putin as a partner instead of cunts like you and nole80

His words are his words. Media can try to spin it however they want. He made a threat.

Another lie from the guy who doesn’t know much else but to lie.

The Mrs still fighting you over visitation rights?

Hate to state the obvous but GSC is the dumbest guy in the room.

Every time you see stupid facebook memes and think nobody would be so stupid to believe them, GSC proves you wrong.

Exactly right, so let’s post them:

“I would like to thank all of the American people that are supporting Ukraine – the Congress, the president, the TV channels, the journalists, and everyone that has been supporting us.”

“The US is never going to give up on the NATO member states. If it happens so that Ukraine, due to various opinions and weakening – depleting – of assistance, loses, Russia is going to enter Baltic states, NATO member states, and then the US will have to send their sons and daughters, exactly the same way as we are sending, their sons and daughters to war. And they will have to fight, because it’s NATO that we’re talking about. And they will be dying, God forbid, because it’s a horrible thing. I wish peace and Ukrainian support to the United States.”

Lol, can you imagine GSC crying over this statement?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL.

I believe GSC is a good guy. I just feel he went all in on trump. There are some people who will never admit they were wrong, he happens to be one of them. He is a man of god and went against everything he believes in to support the man. I believe Bikki likes trump because he supports his team. If trump was a dem, he would crucify him. Skeeter has the brain of a six year old. He learned the word cuck recently and uses it even though he has no idea what it meant till someone had to tell him.

Says the the dumbest motherfucker on this message board

Do you realize why no one comes to your defense ever? Why they don’t make me stop humiliating you? Because even people who share your political side know how fucking stupid your posts are and that you literally aren’t worth a fuck.

Yes that is clearly an indefensible statement… He is making a lot of assumptions there…And then has the nerve to open his mouth about US sons and daughters? After accepting all our money and aid?

Cut it all off and let that little cunt die.

There’s nothing indefensible about discussing Article 5. A lot of people in Europe feel threatened by Russia and believe the fighting will continue past Ukraine. Is it an assumption? Or is it something Putin himself has said on numerous occasions?

Yea- in full context it’s a threat. Nothing’s changed.

Yes it is indefensible…This dancing queen wants a war to continue and tells us the next stage is playing with American lives

No defending this.

Nope, you’re as dishonest as ever and just as much of a Putin sword swallow-er as you were yesterday.

No mocking here
All good-faith debate, right?


All he’s saying is if Ukraine falls then it will be NATO’s problem. That’s true.

No it’s not indefensible. It’s the articles of NATO.

Then we need out of NATO. Some psycho queen’s insistence for war like this shouldn’t be allowed to discuss let alone determine the fate of US’s sons and daughters.

That’s up to Congress. For now referencing the organization that the US has spearheaded since WWII is fair game.

And this piece of shit Zelensky doesn’t need to arrogantly trumpet it…He’s a reason we should part from NATO.

How does this cunty little warlord have the balls to comment on US sons and daughters? Keep America (the reason you are alive)'s sons and daughters and what their fate “WILL BE” out of your mouth.

And you goofs love him, can’t get enough of him. Pathetic.