The Tight End Position

We all seem to feel this position is under utilized. Even an article about it today in the Sun-Sentinel. Currently…

Jaleel Skinner, soph
Elijah Arroyo, soph
Cam McCormick, senior
Riley Williams, frosh

And people on the roster I don’t recognize.

Owen Ruskavich, frosh
Josh Neely, soph
Jackson Carver, frosh

Appears we have one commit at the position, Elija Lofton.

Given the above, who stays? Plus why would an elite recruit sign?

McCormick gone unless he tries for a 14th year of eligibility.
Can see Skinner hitting the portal.
Williams likely to stay, sees the field some to give him hope.
Arroyo a toss up; injuries might make him think time for a fresh start. Hard to say.
Can Carver ever crack the three deep?

Know jack about Lofton, assume he sticks. Top portal TE gonna choose Miami? I have a bridge to sell you.

Lot of potential question marks. Hard to believe given this has historically been a marquee position at Miami. Saw Dawson mumbling some stuff about tweaking his offense so the defense is not on the field too much. Say what. Doesn’t want to go full air raid as understood by anyone who has watched it.

Just have to assume that TVD would perform better with a TE security blanket to throw to a la Restrepo. Never mind a TE that can stretch the field deep. Crikey.

Plus Javion Cohen going pro.

Yeah, I have felt the same way about the position as well. We flipped Skinner from 'Bama I believe. He was/is supposed to be good?
Arroyo also has talent but not sure what he will do.
Cam will stay with us if he’s granted the extra year.
Riley also has some talent.

We do have some talent at this position and it boggles my mind why we haven’t used them much other than blockers.

I agree, I think any QB would benefit from being able to check to a TE

I have said many times that why would any top receivers or te come to miami when they dont have a qb who can throw you the ball. Talents would be wasted. We have had troubles with oline giving qb time to throw now we have the oline but not a qb who can throw. Need for it to all come together at once. I thought this would have been the year but TVD just has not been right.

We had enough third downs this year. You’d think we’d throw some quick slant passes to our TEs. That’s what they do in Pee Wee football, but we’ve forgotten all about one of the most fundamental plays in football. Instead, we’d throw flairs and screens far behind the first down marker, and it is three and out.

We have very little motion, almost no deception, a slow, plodding QB, and we senselessly run inside rushing plays which more often than not fail. I’ve grown to dislike Dawson, because Lashlee with a less talented team had a productive offense. He’s done the same thing at SMU, and his teams will be respectable in the ACC.

Presently, why would a first tier receiver choose UM? With our offense, why even have TEs. We don’t use them; we might as well put OTs in the place of TEs. Stupid football.

If we don’t get a QB, it’s more of the same for Miami. Painful for fans.

I expect carver and Riley to be back. Think we take two HS kids and one portal.