The Lie of the Year

Ok. Whatever makes you sleep better at night. As with everything, including his inevitable exit, Trump has to make a fool out of himself.

Bahahahahahahahaha…Yup the picture perfect response should be expected off of one case. America is on the same exact curve as 90% of the western world but a perfect response based on intentionally vague and incorrect information. Thank god he didn’t do something drastic that early the country would be in ruin instead of just near ruin. Maybe he should have ordered Cuomo and Murphy to send the sick to LTC facilities?

You complete and utter f***ing idiot. Embarrassing yourself just like the old days. Piece of shyt.

You’re the one defending him. That’s what’s embarrassing.

Talk about snowflakes. Are you going to cry on Jan. 20th? Admit it: you and GSC were two of the people prostrating yourselves in prayer in front of that election office in Michigan weren’t you.

Corny attempt at humor while ducking the real argument people are destroying you with in this thread. That’s what stupid, biased people do…Deflect. And that’s you…An ignorant, uninformed snowflake, meltdown type, heart-bleeding liberal f**k who thinks some type of utopia with no bad things and problems exist…then melts down and blames the rest of us when they find that it doesn’t.

Defending him from what? Donald Trump for not fixing the pandemic problems of the world? Especially when he has idiot govenors taking the actions they did? And every death on in America currently being counted as a covid death? For realizing that you can’t solve a problem with a bigger problem? Let me guess…you approve of these lockdowns and are in your basement with a mask on?

And I’m on record saying I believe there was fraud but I doubt it gets overturned. So your little corny attempt at humor holds no weight…You’re a ct. Go find the other snowflake cts Grover and nole80 and save the world together, while making avoiding covid your #1 end all/be all life style.

Such an intelligent, well thought out response.

Such a f**ktard idiotic post from the longtime board idiot waking from his little nervous Trump may win slumber.

Stay in that basement with your mask on, c**t

Hey you don’t have to have a temper tantrum because your ayatollah lost to an older Mr Rogers.

Go back with your QAnon friends.

It’s not a temper tantrum…I’m trying to save the board from uninformed idiot c**ts like you…We are having logical discussion. Your stupid overmatched cunty ass is cluttering up the board with emotional liberal cheerleading. I’ll take Qanon over your idols Maddow and Chris Cuomo every day.

Are you married by chance…Man I just know your wife calls the shots. Little soyboy like you…Lost your nuts a long time ago didn’t ya c**t?

We were - until you showed up.

What are you going to do with all those Trump 2020 flags?

Don’t own anything Trump related…And don’t give one flying f**k about Donald Trump as I’ve said throughout the entire election process. I’m just anti-snowflake progressive liberal like yourself

Would have voted for a steaming pile of shit (cue 51 cornball lame comeback…“har har you did vote for that”) over today’s democratic party, lockdowns, China, BLM, etc…The real question is why are you ok with these things?

The framers gave the legislatures the ultimate say in this. Both state and federal.

It comes down to that Jan 6 vote.

The only other way would be to declare the insurrection act. But he would need definitive proof of treason and subversion for that. Guess we’ll see over the next 2 weeks.

Talk about snowflakes. You’re the one getting all worked up.

Sorry to hear about your neighbor, 51.

You speak the truth. This pandemic was a slam dunk for Trump. All he needed to do was unite the American people against the threat. Heck, it was the perfect opportunity to turn the country’s focus on the CCP.

Trump failed miserably.

He failed at leading. He failed at messaging. He failed at uniting.

Now I’m not one to blame him on the deaths… but the above is hard to dispute.

Swine flu was developed faster.

[quote=“thre305ive, post:33, topic:228”].

He failed at leading. He failed at messaging. He failed at uniting.

I may hear you on the CCP thing…

But you are really overrating that some type of “leadership” could have overcame this. What would have been better “leadership” and what could it have accomplished? The whole western world outside of a handful of countries has failed leadership then…I’m not even defending Trump, you are just overemphasizing both the necessity and the perceived better result that what you defined as better leadership could have obtained.

Messaging and uniting? Lol…Like there is any desire to unite or compromise on the left. You just typed a fairy tale goal/scenario. All they know in the case of the sheep is Orange Man Bad…And all they know in the part of the elites/establishment/left leaders is Orange Man Really Bad and can really hurt us, so he must be dealt with…And they successfully dealt with him.

More urgency in taking preventative measures early on.

Encouraging the use of masks, not making fun of them.

Not continuing to have mass gatherings - which likely caused his own positive diagnosis.

Continuously saying it will go away and that it was under control…when it wasn’t. Remember he said this publicly but admitted to Woodward it was dangerous.

Not trashing medical experts for disagreeing with him.

Not suggesting the use of bleach or sunlight as a treatment.

Expressing empathy for the victims and their families.

Would we still have a lot of infections and deaths? Sadly, yes. But I do think we would have less if he could have had a consistent message around this - and set the example. 73 million people voted for him. A vast majority would take him seriously on this stuff if he had just set an example.

Now, I do think the social unrest had something to do with his election loss. But by and large - this was never Trump vs Biden. This was Trump vs COVID. And COVID won because Trump is incapable of leadership in crisis.

Swine flue vaccine was just another iteration of the yearly flue vaccine.

In contrast, Covid vaccine is NEW technology, and it’s unfair to compare Swine Flue vaccine with Covid. Trump deserve a massive amount of kudos.

You would be hard pressed to fit more purely speculative and then just flat out incorrect statements into one post if you blatantly tried…

-Early on…Ehhh maybe by a few days. Cant say it would have mattered…But I’ll agree with you within reason. And Impossible to put preventative measures in place any earlier than maybe 3-7 days that he did while running a country… and your ideas of preventitive measures probably make no sense at all but hey I’m all ears.

  • He didn’t make fun of masks any more than Fauci did…And he was going by what Fauci and health officials told him…He’s not a health official himself obviously. Also in case you haven’t realized, the whole world is wearing masks and they are doing jack shyt…UK/Sweden/France/Italy…all range between 87 and 98 % mask compliance all late summer and early fall and got hit with the same wave we are getting hit with. Wake up. Also we are wearing masks enough to damn near completely shut down influenza…But not enough to stop covid? MAYBE IT’S BECAUSE THE MASKS AREN’T WORKING FOR COVID PARTICLES OR YOU ARE CONTRACTING IT OTHER WAYS.

  • Mass gatherings? The goal is to have mass gatherings…You have the right to stay in your house…And there’s been many limits placed for 9 months now. Everyone who went to a Trump rally knew the risk of getting covid. He doesn’t care about his own diagnosis…For instance I never think twice besides the bullshyt mandates about getting covid…It’s not a goal for me, other than preferring people don’t come up in my face and breathe on me, which I was not into well before covid.

  • How about the medical experts, too many to count, all with the same type credentials and degrees as the one you choose to listen to that are being trashed for speaking out agains strict mitigation? Google the Great Barrington Declaration…Doctors from all over the world. Why are these people getting very little coverage or being outright silenced? How about the countless doctors that have used HCL and continue to speak on behalf of it and against the smear campaign that was used against early simply because Trump recommended it. Quit picking and choosing your “science”.

  • Oh the bleach thing…Just stop, that’s pure comedy and you embarrass yourself more every time you bring it up.

  • You just said yourself we would still have deaths? Maybe less ehhh sure? But why don’t you speak up about the other things that could have DEFINITELY prevented deaths…Not sending the sick to LTC facilities? Also the percentage of deaths are replaced by lockdown deaths AND the economic damage you are doing. I’ll take the path that’s only beating us on one front.

  • Sometimes I think he forgets to show families empathy too…Only because it could help him. I’m not for overrating empathy and dwelling in sadness though, I’m about moving forward.

  • You are simply overrating the “example” he didn’t set IN YOUR OPINION. He doesn’t give one shyt that he got covid, just like I don’t give one shyt that I get him. I do care about destroying a whole country for a small percentage of the population when that percent of the population has the right to stay home.

Skeeter, as president of the free world, messaging is a wee bit important.

Like I said, proper messaging could’ve helped unite the country against the CCP. It would’ve solidified the election for him. I don’t think those things are fairy tale scenarios.

Agreed, bikki, but the correction still stands.

Skeeter disagrees with you, obviously.

But one major exhibit to prove that messaging does matter: he lost re-election.