That's some funny shit

I think it’s terrible.

How is Israel able to do this? And there’s another report of solar panels they’re blowing up?

I’m no fan of Islamic terrorists but are Israeli Intelligence able to use private companies to create military weapons?

If so, we should all condemn that.

These were Motorola devices right?

They definitely hold a grudge. :rofl:

Um…have you never heard of Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, RTX Corp, BAE Systems, General Dynamics, etc?

How, exactly, do you think military weapons are created? Are you just visiting this planet and its your first few days?

It’s actually quite impressive. Probably the most targeted attack on terrorists while minimizing civilian casualties.

From what I’ve read, this was a supply chain attack. Very similar to the NSA intercepting Cisco routers they knew were heading to Middle Eastern countries and adding their own backdoor. They were able to intercept the pagers and inject them with an explosive compound (PETN), then continue them on to their destination. They knew these encrypted pagers were ordered by Hezbollah so anyone using them was basically a terrorist. They then accessed the pagers remotely, all at the same time which caused them to overheat and ignite the compound.

In short, don’t fuck with the Mossad.


I have some concerns about the morality of the booby trapped pagers, but war is an ugly thing, and Israel’s behavior is always less insidious than that of its opponents who have played dirty tricks, even suicide bombing, since Israel’s inception as a nation. A war is imminent.

What we see playing out in the Middle East is just another example of Biden’s failure in foreign policy which may be a failure even greater than the border crisis. Were it not for Biden’s restoring Obama’s stupid Iran deal, Iran would have been a beggar nation, ripe for a revolution of its people. Now, thanks to Biden, Iran is bloated with oil monies which it uses to foment terrorism against Israel. Under Trump, there was no money for either Hamas or Hezbollah to prosecute any kind of war against Israel. Even the Houthis are getting into action against Israel, sending recently a missile into Tel Aviv. Hezbollah is especially w well armed, and a full scale war involving the U.S. is highly likely.

Still a mystery to me why my friend Elite80 can love Israel and support Obama, Biden, and Harris, three of the most unfriendly politicians relating to Israel. By any measurement, Trump is the greater friend to the Jewish state. Elite80 should reconsider his thoughts and do more research on this topic.

You mom makes me overheat and ignite…all over your face

That’s how rent is paid.

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The 1st day’s attack was pagers. The 2nd day’s attack was radios (walkie talkies).

Israel probably used a shell company, maybe the Hungarian one, that Hezbollah bought these devices from 5 months ago.

Early unconfirmed reports were that Israel was setting up the capability to cripple Hezbollah in the event they were about to invade, but (even less confirmed at this point) Hezbollah was on the verge of discovering the sabotage so Israel used the capability instead of losing it.

It’s pretty crazy impressive spy story shit.

A little more reading on it that goes over more details.

Operation Grim Beeper


Here in Pensacola, there has been a lot of discussion about the pager bombs. Since we’re primarily a Navy town, I’ve listened to lots of high brass, some with stars on their epaulets. The predominating opinion among these guys is that now that Israel has neutralized Hezbollah communications ability, it will proceed to the next phase, exterminating the terror group or at least degrading it to the point of impotence. My friends also tell me that Israel has some more surprises, pertaining to enemy missiles, in store for both Hezbollah and for Iran as well. ,