Supreme Court gives victory to transgender student who sued to use bathroom

Policies don’t send people to hell. People’s choices in life do that. Gay marriage is legal, but that doesn’t mean to start engaging in such behavior. Abortions are legal, but my wife and I chose to have our child. People are going to do whatever they want to do, whether it’s legal or not.
Now since we want to talk about voting for people here’s the conundrum we have right here in SC. We have Jamie Harrison whose stance on abortion is and I quote; “Should be between her, her doctor, and her God.”
Then we have Lindsey Graham who is often referred to as Lady G. Why that nickname, you are all smart enough to figure that out. Do I have definite proof, no. Would it surprise me if it were true? Still the answer is no.

So for argument sakes, let’s say it is true: which one to vote for? Both are sinful no?
Here’s where my choice to vote 3rd party comes in.

You certainly played OMB games though…You were all in there

It’s comedy…Little bleeding heart progressive like the rest of them.

Let me guess…“Pronouns” in the bio?

That’s an interesting take about policies versus choices, SC. I do think government and religion should be separate. Heck, even the institution of marriage can be separately defined.

And my response to that covers it as well. You don’t want to understand or research it. You choose, intentionally, to remain ignorant. Simply cause you do not agree.

Only if you believe in fairy tales.

Such a weird race, luckily the libertarian vote was measly and didn’t affect the outcome on us.

DJ, I should find it interesting were you to provide us with some prehistoric transgender studies

DJ, you are ridiculous. Transgender Story Hour for elementary children is almost as perverse as Transgender Hour for soldiers. My sense tells me that Transgender Story Time is not well received by the United States Marine Corp… Do you suppose they have Transgender appreciation sessions in the Chinese military training programs?

And when you come to realize it’s not a fairy tale as you call it, I pray that for you it’s not everlasting too late.

There is no such thing as transgender story hour. Have no idea what you are talking about. But you are using China now to prop up your morality? Go figure that the trumplican wants to use China as a shining light in the sky.

Thanks, but spread your prayers elsewhere. There is a reason we have a division between political and religious bodies. Let’s hope to your god that it never changes either.

I can hardly wait for next week when a new mini-series will begin on television called Transgender Flintstones. It is based on historical fact. Those in the primitive world not out hunting saber tooth tigers sometimes occupied themselves twerking in grass skirts. Who would have thought that twerking goes back thousands of years in history.