Spotify Debacle

I don’t need my Kindergartner to hear stories from a drag queen about how Johnny has two dads.

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Back to the original post from the original fucking idiot here

What the fuck does getting a vaccine or promoting a vaccine or attacking someone asking questions and searching for covid treatment have to do with being “a patriot”

This commie cunt djrion hates everything that isn’t big govt. and narrative based…It’s really that simple. And those who don’t support them and keep their mouth shut and obey those dynamics is Anti-American and anti-patriot?

Another partisan fucking idiot…Or at least should say more from one of the originals

I think the whole question surrounds something that is really gray. Are they objective questions/challenging the data, or is it misinformation?

While I think misinformation is dangerous, freedom of speech shouldn’t be infringed upon.

At the end of the day, I think most rational people will ask an expert (I.e, their doctor) about what’s best for them health wise. Even if Joe Rogan were to say it/promote it, no one should automatically take him at his word.

Yup and Rogan, for instance, has never said to do otherwise…People have a right to ask vaccine questions no matter how much the djrions of the world have pattached some type of partisan holiness to getting vaccinated.

There is no misinformation to telling people why you have a problem with things being reported, and relaying your own experience.

I agree.

Now if someone is out there saying over and over that the vaccine WILL give you cancer, it WILL kill you, that’d be a bigger problem without data proving such a bold statement.

There are those out there saying stuff like that, but thankfully I don’t think most people are taking those idiots seriously.


Legit and I agree

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