Solid Justin article as always

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Had we played UNC earlier this season, I think we’d have won the game or at least not get disgraced as we were this past Saturday During the course of a season, teams are supposed to improve, to jell, make fewer mistakes, and play better football. UNC certainly played an extraordinary offensive game and their defense, especially in the first half completely shut down the Canes. North Carolina improved and the Hurricanes sunk to the bottom. The late season swoon has haunted the Canes for more than a decade. We had a sad looking team, allowing UNC to achieve an all time record of yards gained on the ground The first and cardinal rule of football defense is stopping the run, and oh how we failed at so doing Mack Brown made Manny look like the guy he fired years ago.

I believe that were Miami’s AD, I’d fire Manny right now and elevate Lashlee to Interim Head Coach. I’d fire Baker as well. Where were the adjustments to stop the run? It was obvious they double teamed and pushed Phillips around the entire game. Why didn’t the Canes put a safety lined up outside of Phillips to stop that crap by overloading that side of the defense?

It’s hard being a Hurricane fan who witnessed first hand the halcyon days. The Hurricane’s performance has translated to making yours truly an object of scorn inasmuch as my redneck friends are Roll Tiders and enjoy their lives thoroughly basking in year after year victory. Unfortunately, I was rather outspoken about how the Hurricanes would do against UNC. I am now considered “the over educated fool from South Florida”. I was all set for a huge victory. I had my Opus X cigar ready along with a chilled bottle of Veuve Cliquot. Instead, I drank a bottle of pineapple-flavored moon shine together with a Louisiana flavored cigar so great was my state of embarrassment and depression.

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So what I want to know is…

Was it a
[1] Louisiana… flavored cigar
or a
[2] Louisiana flavored… cigar.


The cigar was given to me by a Cajun friend, and I smoked it as a polite gesture. My opinion of the cigar matched that of the UNC game. Being the urbane fellow that I am, I dutifully thanked him for giving it to me. I admit to lying to him about the cigar’s quality You must be aware that there are times when lying is wholly permissible. Mark Twain once discussed conditions under which lying is permissible, and I have long considered Twain the leading expert in the field… As a rule, I detest cigars flavored with bourbon, rum, or other added flavorings. I also hate being something of a cigar snob; I just cannot help myself.

I’m a beer and liquor snob, so all good. :grin: