Solid class annnnnnd

Done on short time, with no DC or OC in said time. WOW, Mario is a MONSTER! Seeing a top 15 class, and a top 5 average rank in star rating numbers.


Outstanding class for a transition year….top 15 wow.

Landing moss and Kelly really lessens the sting of Stewart and I’m happy with players that announced for us today. Moten and McCoy look like future players to my eyes.

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Did we really only take 14 kids?

Forgive me- I’ve completely detached from recruiting as it was really depressing me after a while so I don’t follow the numbers each year in terms of what we have and can take.

Is the class really this small? And if so, why?

It’s certainly small and Mario said they still have some potentials that haven’t signed yet and the combo of Juco / portal still to work on. I would say the crap class leading in and the transition clearly kept us from closing more…but the fact that Mario pulled this and a top 5 star average is pretty damn insane.

Weren’t we the 65th ranked class or so a month ago? MONSTER closer in Mario.

+5 portal so far.

Ok- so we’re slated for 19 or so total?

I personally think 2-3 more. We have 19 in so far, including portal…14 HS + 5 portal signed.

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6 HS plus the 5 portal kids are in right now for January

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Mario certainly rescued UM from what by all indications would have been a disastrous recruitment year, and he’s not done yet. So far, hiring the home boy has been a wise decision.

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