So Far Out of Contention

Miami turned out to be a bad football team; the team this year does not even deserve the term mediocre. None of the major networks will even broadcast a Miami game. We’re a terrible team, our worst team in twenty years. Manny’s teams played better than this team.

Watching Lashlee’s SMU team today, I realized just how far our program has departed from being successful. I shutter to think how badly the SMU Mustangs would defeat the Hurricanes. Fifty or sixty points might be the case. SMU’s defense I would say is just average at best, but its offense is splendid and WILL put points on the board. In contrast, Miami goes eight quarters without scoring a point.

Gattis has done a terrible job, and Mario needs to come down off his high horse and fire the guy. It won’t be easy for Mario to do this, it will be a test of the resolve of his vision to win. Gattis was paid millions as offensive coordinator; his performance was wholly unsatisfactory. Gattis needs to be gone.

Much like Corn Pop, Tan Enos is a bad dude.

Should he be fired, yes. Will he be fired, maybe. My guess is probably not unless Miami
doesn’t score at all the rest of the season.

Mario might just say, “TVD was hurt, the team is learning a new system, bla bla bla.” And Gattis survives until next year.

If no improvement next year, he’s gone.

The wild card is Ruiz and the other big boosters. Can they demand that Gattis be fired or else no more NIL money or donations to the university? Do they have that much sway?

This year is a write off. The team was way overrated in the preseason. I hope they are bowl ineligible so the staff can focus on recruiting instead of preparing for a meaningless bowl game.

Hopefully, another team will swoop in and hire Gattis away as a HC. That would solve the problem assuming Mario hires an OC that can actually score points.

I’m in central tx. Can’t get Miami/gatech on tv but espn2 is carrying Tulane vs. UCF.

That’s pretty bad.

I think it is on ESPN 3?

They are doing you a favor. Why watch the shyt show?

I am watching the game on MASN (Mid-Atlantic Sports Net) on FiOS.

The run game is looking respectable, and the TD was a pass from Brown to Mallory. D has looked decent. 7-0 at the end of the 1st quarter

I always liked Brown; a great runner and he slings it pretty well, too.

Brown has put together a 75 yard for a TD, and a 93 yard drive for a TD.

40 years.

Wrong. It was 9 quarters. :rofl:

The D shit the bed and gave up a 99 yard TD drive to GT right before halftime… a lot of mistakes and penalties to extend drives. :triumph: