
Signatures should be active. Click on your picture in the upper right part of your window, select the far right tab, preferences then profile. Scroll to the bottom and enable.

To embed a picture, you will need to use the following format:
! [banner|400x100] (https://thepictureurl/picture.jpg)

I had to add spaces after the ‘!’ and ‘]’ so it would display here for you to see. There should be no spaces when you place it in your sig. The word ‘banner’ is just the label of the pic. It can be anything with no spaces to my knowledge. The numbers afterward are the size of the picture. A warning that I and I’m sure most don’t want to see some big ass picture every time we open a post. Keep them small if at all possible. The original banner I have in my signature was 1200x400 so I mathed it down to 400x100 so it was smaller. If you have trouble just let me know and I’ll be more than happy to help.


I still want to see the the Top 5 list of players since 2005. Sorry, can’t remember the user that posts them. At one point, it was as evil as we never landed one. We’ve done pretty well of late.

TeamUlovetohate posted the top 5

You shut your face or I’ll get the Jolly Green Giant!

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