Should have happened years ago

Registered Republican, member of the NRA, wearing a pro-gun youtube channel tshirt.


When you run on a fear platform this is what happens.

1-they will take away your guns
2-they will take away your bibles
3-they are for everyone being gay
4-they are into killing babies
5-they are for allowing illegal immigrants into this county…
6-the immigrants are not decent people but rapist and murderers
7-they are into trans
8-they are pro Islam and the Muslims want to kill all Americans

I can keep going on and on…when your party has no policies to run on it is easier to put fear into peoples minds. Trump has allowed people who have felt one way for a long time to speak out and no one to hold them accountable for those words. As I stated before----hanntiy and newt gingrich yesterday said this is was the Dems trying to kill trump because they are afraid of losing. Total bs. Trump keeps ramping up the temp all the time. Nothing will change - he will come out and say the Dems tried to kill him. You know that is coming.