She gets it

Very brave of her. I’m sure the death threats are piling up.

The vaccines flat out don’t work, and they are dangerous. Liberals are unable to perceive this while people are dying, dropping dead of heart ailments, developing myocarditis, even more susceptibility to cancer. In Brazil, a young girl got her first job, and instantly just dropped dead. Alex Berensen, banned by numerous liberal sites, is a very intelligent fellow who has a bad habit of telling the truth. Look what is happening in the most vaccinated countries on earth. It’s the vaccinated people who are dying. Read what Berensen has to say.

Covid is treatable. There is no need for an experimental vaccine that may sterilize you, cause your miscarriage, affict your brain. The vaccines are toxic medicine, and hydroxychloroquine and Ivervectin are successful two thirds of the time when used early when symptoms first appear. Liberals are being very stupid about this, and has time passes I hope they’ll finally experience epiphanies.

The vaccines flat out work. Covid is dangerous. It’s not a death sentence, but the pandemic was serious. Conservatives are unable to perceive this while people are dying, dropping dead of heart ailements, developing myocarditis, even more susceptibility to cancer / heart disease / diabetes / obesity / name your co-morbidity here. In Brazil, someone went to the beach with a thong. Look what is happening in the most vaccinated countries on earth. No thongs. it’s the unvaccinated people who are filling the ICUs and dying. Read what the CDC has to say.

Covid is treatable. On method of treating the virus is vaccination against it. There’s no reason to risk a disease that may give you permanent lung damage, heart problems, cause your miscarriage (even if you’re a man), and afflict your brain. The vaccines are medicine, and you can put some other trash into your body and pray to your lord Jesus Trump when symptoms first appear - just remember that Jesus Trump didn’t take those. do as Jesus Trump says not as he does. Conservatives are very stupid about this, and as time passes I hope they’ll experience flatulence.

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WOW. Lol…This mfer is on a meltdown rant isn’t he. Bottle had to be inolved here.


Wake up you fucking sheep

You missed his joke, Skeeter. It’s his classic change the entire paragraph by someone by substituting conservative for liberal.

It’s kind of goofy and not that funny. It’s like his version of “I know you are but what am I?”

I love how Bikki makes all these proclamations without supplying any data to support his claims. Meanwhile, data debunking his claims is easily available.

It’s there if you want to read it.

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All he’s ever done and I’ve been pointing it out for a decade (at least). I remember early on everyone shitting on me for doing so too. Bill was the exact same muppet. Their writing is laughable it is so pathetic.

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It wasn’t just early on we shit on. you…You were canebill’s punching bag

And we still shit on and make a mockery out of everything you say commie cunt. You are a very stupid fucking person who is allergic to facts.

The irony is the only person on here who’s espoused communist ideals is GSC with wanting to take over private business. Once again, I don’t think you understand the words you’re using.


The signature move lol :joy::joy:

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I can’t breathe! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whenever people are clearly not engaging in dialog and being disingenuous, I do this right back to show that I’m not engaging and I’m also being disingenuous.

It’s clear to everybody that bikki doesn’t debate anything. He just parrots talking points again and again, whether or not they’re relevant to the discussion at hand. There’s no point attempting to engage him on any of his mistakes because he’s a broken record.

When people like skeeter see what I write and think I’m on full meltdown and a total sheep, that makes me happy, because he really just commented on bikki.


I think Bikki is trolling the world. It appears to be a tendency for Boomers.

Ya but it was so poorly done and really didn’t look like anything Bikki had typed.

You missed here. Shocker.

More like you didn’t read bikki’s screed so when you read mine you had no idea.