Several UM Players Test Positive for COVID

Crap. Hope this game moves on as planned.

Some will do anything to avoid having to go to El Paso.

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Kinda wished we were out of this. Given our track record in bowl games, this is just another opportunity to show recruits why they shouldn’t sign here lol

Texas A&M just announced it wasn’t playing the Gator Bowl because they have too many COVID positive players……………depending on UM’s situation it wouldn’t surprise me to see us cancel……that would suck

It’s one less game for TVD to blow out a knee in. Always a silver lining. Game is meaningless. Just an exhibition. Let’s get out of it and let CMC and staff recruit their arses off until February. The current staff who aren’t holdovers can get on with their lives too. Lots of silver linings here. No injuries, no Mexican cartels, kidnappings, etc. Yep, lots of silver linings here.

LOL. I remember the first time they went there - the players were ordered to surrender their passports to the coaches.

All the games are meaningless. All the games are exhibitions. Play the bowl games.

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No, Alabama-Cincinnati and Michigan-Georgia aren’t meaningless bowl games. The others totally ARE. Cancel those others as you must for the safety of it. Bring on the semifinals!

That’s not true at all lol. Also I think I could count on 1 hand the number of players who had a passport.

The team went to Mexico btw.

That’s what I read anyway……

Miami just pulled out… good move IMO.


I know it’s meaningless. But I wanted one more game.

At least we went out with a W…


good. playing this game would only hurt recruiting by putting a shit product on display which definitely would’ve happened

Agree on this game being meaningless. Transition between staffs, players sitting out, we got some extra practices in, team hasn’t traveled yet, bowl money is split by conference, etc…It was 1yr ago King got injured in a meaningless game.

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Easy fix. Season over.

Gonna be a long offseason….

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We wouldn’t want things to end up last year when all those college athletes died.

No, no, no, that’s not what I’m talking about. Someone mentioned the King injury last bowl. THAT’S what I want to prevent. No need for TVD to be out there throwing footballs behind a suspect line and taking a chance on injury if he doesn’t have to. Sme with the other players. Meaningless exhibition game. Glad it’s over. Hell, Illinois even turned it down and I think they were next in line to play at 5-7. Maybe too short of notice for anyone to jump into on Friday, but still, no need to play it.

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As much as I wanted one more game - this is spot on. Focus on recruiting and getting ready for 2022.