Saturday night on ABC? They trying to kill us or what?

Or at least kill our recruiting? Don’t think I love this “opportunity” to be on nationally vs FSU this week. Yes, that’s how bad we’ve fallen. :nauseated_face: :pray:t2:

We have no offense. None. We’re gonna get smoked on national TV.

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Yes, this was the fear. Now a reality. :roll_eyes: :rage:

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Every canes should get up and walk out right now at the half. This is unacceptable.

It would certainly send a message…

I acknowledge it would send a bad message. But why would fans subject ourselves to this garbage?

You know FSU just ran up the score on Miami in Miami. Going for it on 4th down vs kicking.

If Mario rights this ship, I can promise you he will run up the score every chance he gets against FSU.

We have to get good first. And we are the polar opposite of good.

The Clemson game next weekend is gonna be awesome.

The good news…we get to visit GT to drop that game first.

Oh right. Got my dates mixed up.

Won’t shock me at all if we lost out. Can CMC keep them motivated? GT at this point is a toss up - although they’re worse than us (that’s setting the bar under the basement though) - I hope they get lost on the way to Clemson (that’ll be another 48-3 type game), and Pitt may not be much better than that.

I know it’s not a popular thought because the extra practice is good, but I won’t be upset at all if we don’t have to suffer through another shitty bowl loss.

My buddies and were laughing at one point last night, watching this team pretend they knew how to play football.