The study (which is extremely limited) should conclude that higher likelihood of living with crazy boyfriends/husbands as it admits that women in this study are disproportionately affected.
So basically domestic violence is bad and gets worse if a firearm is present. What a shocker!!!
This is true - simple access to one can increase risk that it may be used on purpose or accidentally
Who gives a shit?
A shit ton of people?
You may not care about children getting mowed down in school or dying from other kinds of gun violence, but you’d be in the minority.
Lol…Imagine making that connection
Again…Quit cluttering the board with your bratty cunt behavior
You are the dumbest person on the planet for saying this.
This result clashes with a classic narrative promulgated by gun rights groups: firearm owners use their weapon to turn away or overpower a threatening intruder, thereby protecting home and hearth. We did not detect even a hint of such protective benefits**. If anything, our results suggest that cohabitants of handgun owners were more likely to be killed by strangers**, although that result did not reach statistical significance.
Yet, you and your GOP fight Red Flag Laws against domestic abusers
Like I say, you half wit…Imagine thinking there is a connection between my response to commie cunt’s ridiculously stupid post and me not caring about children being gunned down in a school
You are such a “carer”…My god it is so wonderful
I’m not necessarily against Red Flag Laws. I’d need to understand the details fully.
Guns save lives.
I think the problem is the slippery slope argument. You call out your neighbor and they take his gun away type stuff. Then they get their ultimate goal which is a gun registry. They want to know every individual in the country that owns a gun.
I’m not necessarily opposed to red flag laws either. But would they have stopped the Buffalo shooter or the Uvalde shooter? Don’t think so.
If I were to support red flag laws they have to come with a grant for legal aid for the defendant to choose his own attorney to be represented in front of a magistrate.
Gotcha, so you are for taking the guns away from a person who physically beats the shit out of their spouse, threatens to murder her if she tells or leaves, is such a violent threat that those around him and his family members petition the court to remove the guns from his house…and you want to pay him. Gotcha.
That fits with you. Sounds about right
Raising the legal age to purchase a gun to 21 would have. Also, a judge has to issue the removal order, not just the police. You can’t just call the cops and tell them your next door neighbor sucks