Rumored OC Name Du Jour

Not a big splash hire but a good coach, a good recruiter and he knows Miami very well.


All this cash to hire Cristobal’s buddies?

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I’ll be surprised if they hire Ponce. He is a good coach but given the budget, Miami can easily afford someone better.

I’m always very skeptical about coaching hire rumors. They are often generated by a coach’s agent who is in the middle of trying to get the coach a raise.


With the report that Miami is willing to pay up to the #2 spot for highest paid OC, I would hope to get someone who puts out top 10-20 routinely. I am thinking the delay lends to Dorsey being a potential candidate more and more.

I wish fans would stop with the Dorsey nonsense. If he didn’t play here there would be absolutely zero interest.

Reached for comment, former Miami Athletic Director, Blake James said, “I don’t understand what is taking so long. I would have completed a national search and hired an offensive coordinator in less than an hour.”

I know someone in the Bills organization

He is pretty well regarded there and throughout the NFL…It’s just a matter of time. Yes I usually prefer play calling experience…But I’m willing to skip it with him if he wanted to come.

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Unless, it’s Dorsey I just don’t understand what’s taking so long.

This is taking too long. Same w DC.

Hurting recruiting.

OJ Simpson???

I don’t believe it is really hurting recruiting. I do believe it could be holding up spring and learning of the systems by the kids on campus BUT I’d rather right the right one.