Rick Stockstill Gets Fired by Middle Tennessee

If ever there was proof that you can’t continue to go out to dinner on the same story …this would be it.

If ever there was a time when as a Miami fan you feel justifiable schadenfreude…it would be now.

What an ass-hat this guy was a year ago. A win against a poorly coached Miami team and he couldn’t/wouldn’t shut up about “kicking Miami’s ass…”. It seemed to be his life’s crowning achievement …as he endlessly smirked and bragged about a win that only he thought of as world-conquering.

Now l…just as Miami did to the incompetent OC whom he coached against…he too finds his ass out the door. Heh ! :rofl:

We tend to make other teams/coaches feel good about themselves. Something we have perfected in the last 20 years.