Rashada to UM

Big get…Nationally ranked QB gives UM 2 QBs in this class. Smooth delivery…Big deep ball.

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buy everyone. drop bags

$9.5M…capitalism. Instead of that money going to hot tubs and coaches it’s finally legally going to the guys on the field.

UF offered 11M. So I guess that means you can’t pay kids $500k/yr to live in Gainesville over Miami.

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Ya it’s ruining the game imo…But what else I got to do and pay bills with?

OK! Now…offen$ive linemen…who do we line up now to block for the likes of Van Dyke, Garcia, Brown and Rashada? Mauigoa, Green, Kirkland, Freeling and Okunlola seem to stand out the most. We need to make $ure we land three of the$e guy$ to add to Tinilau and Tripp. Thi$ become$ the new $tandard going forward. No le$$ than five OL per cycle. No more taking 2-3 OL who we have to settle for after whiffing on the heavy hitters. Right !?! ?!?

Bagz! Let’s get on it!

All those years of Clemson working with they’re two local churches. Bama putting together the sophisticated bag network. NC state, LSU, Georgia, FSU, BullGators. All in the past. NIL at some point will reign in the uncontrolled era now. But one things for certain the past era is over. The coaches complaining are that old guard of sophisticated systems. For now it’s about location (transfer portal) and NIL, larger cities with $$$$ available. Miami needs to get through this Period without mistakes. We have a Godfather in Ruiz who seems to have done his homework.
Haven’t said this for a while……

It’s great to be…….

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According to 247…UM is the 5th team to have two elite 11 finalists in the last decade (20 finalists I believe). Impressive.

Many including Ruiz, lawyers, and even some gators have said report is false

Not sure they would tell you if it’s true, just saying.

Could def be false. Still…great to see a much fairer playing field with every team able to pay players. I know it freaks people out that 21 year old black kids are making over 6 figures a year, but football players are literally the older athletes IN THE WORLD to make money.

Other sports you can make real money at age

Soccer - No age limit. 9 or 10 for elite guys
Baseball - 18
NBA - 19, now 18ish with competing leagues to NBA
NHL - 19
Golf - No age limit. 16 for girls, 18 for guys
Tennis - No age limit. Same as golf for ages

No I can give a damn about what color they are…

And I know I don’t have a leg to stand on in any NIL argument because you can’t tell anyone they can’t make money…I’m speaking simply as a fan/peronal preference/my interest level. I’m a purist…Doesn’t get me far I’ll admit. Just bitching. Having a hard time rooting for it.

But please don’t try that race shit with me. Doesn’t apply here. Pathetic comment

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To be fair, none of my issues (and truthfully I’m not sure where I land on NIL and changes surely will materialize over time) have to do with the color of a kids skin. I’m not even sure (with all due respect sub) why that’s an issue for people or part of the argument.

Kids have been getting “benefits” for some time I’d imagine. I’m just a fan with zero contacts in that arena. I’m all for trying to level the playing field. I just don’t see it as an issue of race. I’ll admit I may be missing something. And I’m in no way intending to flame a respected poster.

I just don’t see a correlation to racism. Kids get paid on the level? Great! I love capitalism. Always have. I’m fine with it working it’s way through the ecosystem. Don’t really care what the kid looks like.

Some people see everything through the lens of race … But, of course, everyone else is the racist.

Like Skeeter, I believe the “pro balling” of college sports is regrettable. I would rather have the NFL and NBA have minor leagues like MLB and the NHL. Leave college sports to true student athletes, say I.

I don’t think this NIL thing will end well. We’ll see. I think it will lead to a whole lot of prima donna-ism for one.

I also can see the NCAA putting Miami on double secret probation for years in an SMU-like death sentence because things seem to be going far too well. I hope I’m wrong.


The NIL is exactly what Miami needed precisely BECAUSE the NCAA is always gunning for us. Other teams can get away with paying players but in Miami it has been very difficult.

Now the playing field is evened out.

Any world where Saban is complaining about things being unfair is an improvement for everyone else.


I too am surprised by a race comment on this board. Everyone here has loved the Canes for years. Most Canes teams that I have seen have been 75% Black. Do you really think we are racist here on this board?

There were a few guys paid when I was at Nebraska in 1992. There were whispers of Nebraska paying Brodrick Thomas $50,000 back in 1984. This has gone on forever for the TOP players.

I like the fact that many more guys on the team are making some coin. I was never one of the top guys so I root for the underdog in college football a bit. Will many of these kids blow the money? Yes. I hope they understand taxes. I feel for the kids that have family that expect to get some of that money. I saw that too at Nebraska. I also think some of these deals are not as big as advertised. I suspect like NFL contracts that they are back loaded and many of these kids never see the money promised unless they star.

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Couldn’t have said it any better !! IMHO anyone who thinks that Mike Slive didn’t turn a blind eye to the underhanded way his S.E.C. teams tried to get the best recruits…needs to have their heads examined.

We all know it burned in the pit of their stomachs when a Miami - FSU matchup was top billing nationally … while “The World’s Biggest Outdoor Cocktail Party”…or the Iron Bowl …or the Egg-Bowl were little more than afterthoughts.

Saban is just ticked off that booster-payola has now been nullified. The elaborate payout schemes which S.E.C. boosters had carefully crafted and perfected …no longer gives them an edge. Should crap-stained NCAA even try anything against Miami … … they are not going to stand a chance given that Miami can easily point to a record of dishonesty by the NCAA .

I don’t think they want Miami to rehash the unsavory/illegal tactics their lawyers resorted to in Nevin Shapiro fiasco.

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