Putin, 2020 election variant

Need to dig some here, but good topic to begin discussing.


Pure commie fuck boy

Intelligence collected up to 12/2020 and presented to the president on January 7th, 2021

Well worth the read

We pretty much knew all of this already. Giuliani was overeager for dirt and got played HARD. And of course Russia put out anti-Biden misinformation. Superpowers meddle i elections, including us.

Funny to see skeeter the naive sheep think otherwise.

Remember when this guy was “neutral”? Another fuck boy snowflake lib cheerleader.

And of course Russia put out anti-Biden misinformation. Superpowers meddle i elections, including us.

And of course, everyone knows this…Except apparently comrade dj. But if you think I’m going to give any precedence to to anything written by a liberal media news source then you are mistaken. We could have predicted “US intelligence” was going to report this no matter what they did or didn’t find.

I think more importantly than corroborating evidence wrt to Russia 2016, are a few items:

  1. The declass of this report for public consumption;
  2. The Intel dates (all on Trump time);
  3. The date delivered to trump;
  4. Corroboration that THE BIG LIE, is really a big lie; and that
  5. Iran actively sought to hurt trumps reelection bid.

Lol…I like that song and old Black Sabbath

Of course we could have. It was obvious from Go.