Pulliam to UM

Good size and is a real head hunter…Not sure about the speed.

Remove Clarke and hill - Lb room is done

I don’t think they’ll tell Clarke no, although it has been kinda foggy the whole way how much they wanted him.

Gabby U seems to think they will still take him. Most people loved his senior year.

Skeeter honestly, if you know that Miami is taking about five more before locking it down with the prep kids, is Pulliam one of the five you’d want at this stage? Seems like we’re still in on a ton of the big names. Maybe we’re not stopping at 25? Hmmm???

TMC, first off I think we’re taking more for sure!

But if I’m sitting right before this commit and say we are only taking 5 no matter what? Ya Pulliam would get left out. My personal 5 of realistic names would be.


Next in line if you think Innis and D.Will are too far-fetched (basically listed in my “remaining targets thread”)
Matthews (also likely far fetched lol)