Payton he a guard or a tackle?

He had a top 5 of Miami, Florida, Alabama, Oklahoma and Michigan State. He says he’s down to two and says that it’s safe to say Miami’s one of them. Without anything to go on, I’d say it’s UF and us but that’s gut, not based on any knowledge of who he’s still interested in. What got me was the tweets between Kirkland and Mauigoa…

Mauigoa - “I need you to block next to me”
Kirkland - “I’ll be your LT”

Uh-oh! I certainly understand both being confident enough to play tackle. I don’t imagine either wants to move inside. So…Kirkland’s an LT, right? Hell, I want us to load up on tackles as we’ve been deficient for years on the OL. I just hope Kirkland doesn’t shy away with Mauigoa on board. Or maybe I’m just over thinking it? Here’s the link…

I’lll be YOUR LT. No! I’ll be YOUR LT! Grrrr!

You’ll find if you study the history of Nick Saben recruiting that he loads up with big guys who display visible athletic skill and speed. His strength program also has been excellent over the years. He has produced many smaller athletes with greater weightlifting achievement than our strongest linemen. I distinctly recall some of his RBs, LBS, DBs, being able to bench TWICE their weight.

As each year passes to the next, Saben just moves new players from his full cupboard seamlessly able to take the places of those departing. The same is true at OSU, Georgia, Clemson, and it appears to be happening at Texas A&M. Under Mario, Miami has a chance to be more like Bama and attract the big people into our stable year in and year out.

There’s a video at the bottom of my link with Kirkland’s highlights. He’s # 74 and when you look at him he’s huge, but honestly I see a lot of plays where he leans on guys and gets away with it. He’ll need more strength at the next level and technique development too. Reminds me of Vernon Carey a little when I looked at him who had a lot of that tendency to ride opponents to the ground. Don’t get me wrong, everyone’s offered him it looks like from that list of his but you’d be taking a big body with some strength that will need some technique added. I was expecting more of a burst off the snap and didn’t see a lot of it. He was better at finishing some plays over others but I see room to get better. The next level will demand it. He’s tall but I can see him inside as well as outside, if I’m to answer my own question earlier. Maybe others have seen more of him and can add their take?

Guard most likely…Chance of RT

Mauler on the inside, don’t think he has the feet for OT. JMO

Will need a year to reshape his body and get that weight down, but he is a people mover for sure and something we have lacked.

Rumors we may not have room for Kirkland

Hope we do

They like Kinsler as much or better and UM has a good a shot as any at super stud Okanula (Sp?) and Alinen (sp)

I watched hudl highlights of both and it’s weird, Kinsler punches out better than Kirkland. Seems to drive and finish real well. I’d probably favor him as well only going off of some clips. What I don’t know based on only highlights is 1) how good is the Ocala Trinity comp compared to Dr. Phillips where Kirkland plays? And 2) how good are the rosters of both? Can one shine better than the other due to having a better team, etc?

In the end you have to take the guy you want. It’s just odd that Kirkland has 50 offers including all the bigs and Kinsler only has a fraction and most of the SEC isn’t in on him. Not sure why? Then you have to wonder as the season goes on, if Kinsler gets those other offers, does he ditch us for an SEC heavy or stay with us? Kirkland already has those offers. If he commits, we probably have a better chance at holding him.

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Kinsler did de-commit from UF

But I hear ya…All in all they are close to me. I like Kirkland a LITTLE better…Surpisingly enough Kinsler looks decent as a DT too.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we make room for both.

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