I alluded to this in a previous post that I have no idea where it is. So I may regurgitate some vomit here, sry.
Certainly, giving local control (even further down than States) is important for some things such as some (not all) infrastructure improvements. It is important for people who pay taxes to have some control in say on where those monies are applied. Often times, larger governments (States) simply do not understand the local needs and often overlook where to appropriate funding.
Would it make sense for us to have a military in each state, rather than a federal one? Not a chance and I’ll save my breath here.
During the pandemic, we have heard a lot from conservatives about letting the States handle it themselves. We have had cavalier governors who are in full on cowboy mode trying to increase their base for the regression to the LCD on a trumpian “white man last stand” to eventual run for the next election. They rebuff fed input, guidance, help, etc. Not all of this is bad, there are nuggets that are good. Just like we don’t need a dictator, we don’t need total federal control either. However, we don’t need pure State domination either.
Biden has handed the reigns to the States for Omicron. He listened to conservatives and gave them what they wanted. Now you have trump bashing him for doing so (lolololololol). Low and behold, we have a disaster on our hands. Then cavalier governors crumble and beg on their knees.
As this place burns for the next month or two, I think we will learn that the draconian measures of shutdowns and god forbid, mask and vaccine mandates, led by a strong federal government (Republicans & Democrats) will be the best way to handle these types of events in the future.
Not fucking idiots like your NYC demanding everyone world be vaccinated even though the vaccination doesn’t stop transmission? And even though we have countless models in other states and countries showing that he is not acting on any science and the results of increased, mandatory mitigation are minute AT BEST…And are basically nothing when you factor in damage in other areas
And he hides it under the pretense he’s trying to find a constructive solution. Fatass commie cunt with the goatee is so lost
This is a tough problem. On one hand you have China. They’ve proven that extremely draconian measures can be effective at halting a pandemic. But you have people locked down, literally only allowed to go out to the grocery store once a week, etc.
In the US, I agree that guidance/direction needs to happen on a federal level. The system just doesn’t work if everyone does their own thing. At the same time, federal powers for something like this need to be limited in scope and time limit. And yes, states do have governments that should be able to decide things.
So yes, it’s a hard, almost unsolvable problem. I don’t have any magic answers, but I think honest discussion over the merits of various policies is more valuable than name-calling and picking sides.
“Everyone doing their own thing” and living WITH covid is much safer and SHOULD BE THE GOAL. Not zerocovid at all costs. Everyone should be allowed to do their own thing lol, why wouldn’t they be?