Oreo Launching New Flavor That's Out of This World

Americans eat themselves into being monsters. It takes very little time for an Adonis-like person to be turned into a Frankenstein by dint of the profundity of food to which we have access. Watching television, every third advertisement is about food most of which is consummately unhealthy. Then, we have the weight-control businesses where Americans spend billions of dollars losing the war against gluttony.

Elite80’s testimonial is an example of how our friend ate himself into a repellent state and suffered rejection. I must commend Fish for taking action. Losing weight is difficult, because it requires continuing will power to maintain a stream-lined body form. I have found that successful people, the so-called winners in life, are ones who also succeed in pushing back from the feed trough. I surmise the new and improved Elite80 is back now to wowing young, nubile females.

What is truly a shame is that the best tasting things have the greatest number of calories and are for the most part the most harmful to your health. Being a Sci Fi fan, I dream of an alternative universe where everything fattening is healthful and everything presently perceived as healthful is harming. This would be an excellent justification for cheese fries, adding mountains of butter to everything, drinking a mandatory five or six cocktails a day, and never bringing kale into one’s home ever again.

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You guys remember when kale was decoration for Pizza Hut salad bars?

The 90s were the best.

Bikki it is so true. I am not going to lie - changing what I eat has made me moody. It has not been easy. I am not trying to make it an excuse but when you travel so much it’s hard to eat right. I go out now and won’t touch a frie. I have not had fried food in two months. My son is 14 and being around him and he is in good shape…he likes sweets.