Opinion on NIL, Ruiz, Portal, etc

This is just me expressing my opinion and I’m doing so on here because I’ll probably get lambasted on the other, more popular boards

I hate all this shyt…And I’m going to have a hard time cheering for a bunch of players that we won bidding wars for (especially the junior and senior transfers getting cars and shit like that)

I mean Ruiz openly tweeting commit watches and shit like that… I’m not into him being the face of Miami Hurricanes football.

I know kids playing for the uniform and lifelong pride of their teams has been working its way out of the game for some time. But I can’t see how a bunch of 21 year olds from UCLA will care about a rival matchup vs. FSU, for instance…Especially when the Noles kids may have a chip on their shoulder at being “shorted” on the NFL front.

I’m just ranting…And I know I didn’t make any strong argument in this post…And I know kids have a right to go after whatever they can get. I’m just speaking for myself as a lifelong canes and more importantly, college sports fan (I gave up on pro sports a while ago), I’m losing interest fast because of this shit.


I dislike it intensely as well. I think we’ve opened a Pandora’s box, and the wealthier schools with greater fan associations as well as schools in popular vacation venues will have a decided advantage. A lot more dollars are going to pass through to the hands of players, and I predict enmity between players in skilled positions and others. Already recruiting players to backwater venues is difficult. This will make it more difficult.

All it takes is a willing administration and one billionaire. Miami pisses Ruiz off and we’re back to a low budget program.

I’m mixed…We are just lucky we have Ruiz. There has to be better guidelines and almost a tracked salary cap type of style. It’s the damn wild west and I don’t think anyone has an answer…I do know bama and the like can go fuk themselves, now that they don’t have an illegal pay advantage.

It’s just getting bigger imo…Although it’s nice to be closer to their tax bracket.

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There just have to be established rules with no gray area, and also legal contracted verification that is handled 100% the same across all of College sports. Have some type of standardization, vs simple rules and the wild west.

I’m all for kids getting paid, but it’s a little odd right now with payment and no contracts.

I’m still not actually sure what Ruiz does. All I’ve really heard is he has helped the government get a lot of money back from Medicare/Medicaid overbilling/scams/etc. Certainly plenty of that in SoFla (even by their elected Senator), and his new company seems to be more tech focused than litigation focused.