One more gone

I’m not sure he even had the option to stay

I mean it seems like a wrap that Taylor is going to be on this staff…I think Wright was a decent hire, it’s just that Cristobal likely views Taylor as a potential great hire and future DC?

Just not gonna add anything.

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Not sure I would see JT as a great DC. Sure he has the NFL pedigree, but when given the opportunity to coach defenses (granted at St. Thomas) he didn’t exactly put together a scheme that was interesting or even sound.

Now, some of that might be due to his defense having more talent than the teams he faced, but boy did they seem to struggle at times to just do the basics right.

JT also doesn’t seem as a guy committed to the grind as Mario expects from his staff. Hopefully, I’m wrong but I find it difficult to imagine an NFL HOF’r and multi-millionaire would have any interest in the day to day grind of a college position coach which is much more involved than the analyst position JT currently occupies and grants him the freedom to miss here and there.

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I mean that’s a fair assumption…Just not sure it applies. JT could be an exception. He seems to definitely still want to be around the game.

Being around the game is different than putting in long hours in the office or on the road and away from your young children, or from watching you son at LSU catching the winning TD of an important game.

As an analyst JT is around the game, can coach some, teach some, interact with the guys, etc. but the required grind just doesn’t seem to be on the same level of time and commitment as an on-field coach.

Is this serious?

Yes it’s been talked about for a while.

And why I said above, I’m not sure Wright had the option to come back, and they may have been waiting for him to take another job.

I’m not saying you don’t make good point and generally speaking I would agree that would make sense for a lot of ex NFL players. I’m just saying…Maybe Jason Taylor is an exception, and maybe it doesn’t apply to him. Maybe he has decided the grind is what he wants.

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To Silent’s point…

The rumor is Taylor may also be offered a job on the Dolphins staff. And then the decision would be does he definitely need an offseason or no (college assistants recruit year round and CMC seems especially adamant they do this)

Rod Wright is from Houston so really no surprise he went home.

CMC runs very hyper active (juiced up on Cuban coffee) and expects the same from his staff. He may need to loosen the reigns a bit if he wants to keep guys around for awhile. I remember taking a job interview with a guy just like CMC, juiced up on coffee, and he told me that if you work for me you’re not running a marathon, you’re sprinting. I work hard but I’m not going to kill myself doing it.
I like CMC but he’s losing/firing staff pretty quickly after year 1 and I think these guys that have left just weren’t wired to work this type of schedule that CMC wants them to work.

Yeah, JT will have a choice to make if the Dolphins rumors are true.

You think the interviews would have given him a bit of an indication on that.

Fair point, but one thing is to be told what the expectation is and the other is to be held to that expectation. For instance, many NBA players think they know about the Heat culture and their conditioning requirements until they show up to the team. Then, you hear from players about what they thought they knew about the expectations was different from the expectations in practice.

You take a guy like Charlie Strong who is a well-known defensive guy and has a history of being a recruiter. I’m sure Strong said all the right things and his resume carried weight until he was in the office and the expectations became real.

One of the reasons I’m okay with Mario being deliberate with his interviews and hires. Make sure you get the right guy. Clearly, many of the “right guys” this time last year didn’t work out. Luckily, Mario cut bait and adjusted quickly, which many Miami fans didn’t think he would or could do.

The guy is gonna give himself a heart attack or a stroke.

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It’s not that tough to get the “Right guy”…This has turned into a joke.

3 months and counting on finding the “right guy” to be a WR coach lol. Bah. Who needs a position coach for spring practice anyways!

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I really believe this has more to do about CMC’s grinding work ethic than anything else. I don’t see him keeping staff around, other than Mirabel, for any more than 2-3 years, tops. I think he will keep rotating in young, hungry guys who will grind with him until they find a more suitable environment for themselves. In today’s college football world the pressure is way higher than 20 years ago. Now you have to deal with NIL and the insane level of recruiting that goes on YEAR round.