Of Course Crooke Was a Biden Supporter

It really shouldn’t be a surprise finding confirmation that Crooke was a Biden supporter, not a conservative. I knew it immediately. Trump rallies are exemplary in terms of peaceful human comportment by wholesome patriots championing traditional American values.

Reading his Gab comments I get the feeling he’d have been great friends with Warden, 305, 80 and Djrion lol. Sounds just like them.

Gotcha, so the white nationalist Trump supporter claims the shooter is a Biden supporter

Gotcha…right on queue Bikki

Reading that once again you’ll immediately accept the word of a Nazi but deny the concept of gravity is, well…just like Bikki…right on queue. Typical and expected

Basic logic doesn’t seem to resonate with you lately.

The partisan hackery is in full force. Of course a Trump supporter would try to kill Trump.

What an idiot.

lol , they photocopy a Biden hat on a he kid. Everyone around the kid at his school said he was for trump.

And, of course…Indiana takes the word of an avowed Nazi over documented reality. He was registered as a Republican. They had Trump signs in the yard. People who went to school with him said he was a conservative.

BUT, a Nazi says nope and you’re all in without a second thought. Said it before and I stand by it…conservatives aren’t conservatives bc of policy. It’s a lack of integrity that binds 100% of conservatives, a failure of character.

When you see the words blind supporter - right next to it is a picture of GSC. Bikki is a Republican and will vote for anyone they put up. Indiana, I actually think he is rational and believes trump is full of shit. Skeeter is a mad lesbian who wishes to trans into a man.

His parents may have been Republicsns, but young Crooks was a Biden supporter. Somehow I detect a lack of graciousness on the part of many of you for not recognizing how quickly I discerned that the kid was a leftist meatball, certainly not a wholesome MAGA Republican.

I still think dude was a Republican who saw Trump as a threat to the party.