Nope - no media campaign

So he did what he was going to do in your mind but Biden rocked it? Doesn’t make sense.


I’ll ask again, what would you all have dome to prevent it?

The Russian oligarchs and Putin have hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars invested in Western assets. Freeze them all. No incremental. One shot. Done. Make it painful.

Sell our petroleum directly to Europe so that they aren’t dependent on Russian oil.

Send Putin a message. Any act of aggression will be met with a full allied military response.

Now- I don’t give a fuck what happens in Ukraine. They had the chance to join NATO, they didn’t. There is history here that doesn’t involve Americans.

But those are just a couple of things Joe could have done.

Instead he made Russia the sole energy provider to Europe and thereby, NATO.

He gave no warnings. He is doing sanctions very graduated while Putin bombs the shit out of Ukraine and laughs.

But he did a great job, right dj? Lmao.



Oh I’m sorry Djrion…. They get something like 40-50% of their natural gas and about a third of their petroleum from Russia. Is that better? Does that make the scenario better?

Biden’s actions helped show the world what Russia was doing.

  1. They forced Russia to continually lie to the world about “not invading”
  2. The intelligence disclosures took away Russia’s ability to manufacture a pretext for war (false flags, genocide, etc.)
  3. The US, from the beginning, has opted to avoid open warfare with a dictator who’s waving his nuclear weapons like his dick. USA strategy is and has been economic warfare in the form of sanctions.

After all this, Russia is clearly painted as the bad guy. It’s a bad look right now.

I agree.

How accurate is this? I know they want to, but one of the requirements, if I’m not mistaken, is they must have a secure border. Obviously that’s not been the case, even before the invasion.

Got the band back together again (UN)

Evacuated Govt personell way in adv for safety

Got us kicked out of Moscow

Tried to warn Ukrainians so that they could flee early enough (they didn’t listen due to their TV personality president)

Slowed Putin down

Doesnt put Putin up in a pedalstool

The possibility of NATO membership for Ukraine started in 2008, but in 2010 the Russian puppet president was installed and torpedoed that plan. He was outsted in 2014, causing Russia to panic and secure Crimea. Ever since then Ukraine has wanted to join NATO.

In 2021, NATO leaders once again agreed to seek Ukrainian membership.

For people asking why Russia is attacking now… this is why. This is not about Trump or Biden - it is about NATO. Everyone besides partisan hacks knows this.

It is about maintaining a permanent “buffer” between Western Europe (Germany and France) and Moscow which is far too east for Russia to ever feel comfortable against potential invasion.

Is this not what I just said? The “buffer” in question is between Russia and NATO countries, ergo it would be disastrous for Moscow if Ukraine joins NATO.

I was about to say there is a parrot in the room. In before gsc enters with his BS nuance arguments with that he fabricated as the most intelligent guy in the room syndrome.

It’s not what he said lol.

And I learned about that 10 or so years ago when I read George Friedman’s The Next 100 Years…

And I’d recommend the read because a lot of his predictions are coming to light.

This just shows that you are going to hold Biden responsible for the actions of Putin no matter what.

While it’s on every news station, news update on the radio, half of Tik Tok, Instagram…sure, nobody cares.
You’re ridiculous

Is that the guy who said we’re going to get into a war with Japan since 1991?

Americans don’t really care dude. Are they interested in a war? Sure- that’s always interesting to watch. I’ll watch war between any 2 nations let alone the #2 military on the planet.

Do they care that the attack will expand? Maybe. I’ve gotten questions over the past few days from some people which shows me some attention spans have widened.

But this isn’t the same as Russia invading Poland or Germany. Americans would care about that because it directly affects us.

This doesn’t.

Ukraine is a fake state. It was set up after the fall of the USSR to act as a money laundering haven (think Afghanistan).

It’s basically a Russian territory that has been managed by the Ottoman Turks and others over the centuries.

It’s not a Western nation and will never be beloved by the West.

The terms of surrender are already being discussed. It wouldn’t surprise me if this was all designed and orchestrated.

Biden now has 2 devastating Foreign policy knocks against him. The botched Afghanistan exist and Russia essentially annexing Ukraine or part of it.

I can see putting this on Biden.

This I cannot.

Based upon what? You? You think the universe revolves around the earth. Who exactly are you to tell anyone what Americans care about? Any data on that or what?

Sounds like you’re being egocentric and think the world revolves around you and your circle in New Jersey.

Purely based upon YOUR interpretation. Again, your opinion is less than important on the matter. Again, you still think Trump won and you’re smarter than Copernicus.

Russian talking points. So, borders and sovereignty matter on our southern border, but not when it comes to your allegiance to Russia, right?


Along with NASA being fake too, right?

Afghanistan was thanks to Trump having the leader of the Taliban released and then forcing Afghanistan to release 5000 of their prisoners, while promising to leave at a particular date, essentially surrendering. Biden had the balls to finally pull out.

Russia didn’t annex Ukraine. They invaded. You defend them for doing so.