No signing day thread? Carswell to Mississippi. Thanks, Lane!

Brown, Williams, Horton, Bissainthe and Graves are in. Rogers not yet. Ibieta to LSU. So the one OL we had committed went elsewhere. Yikes! Portal, anyone?

These update when someone signs.

I’m not expecting any surprises today.

The kids that will sign will be quality recruits but there will probably be less than 10 of them.

Anything on Little?

  1. Wesley Bissainthe
  2. Markeith Williams
  3. Isaiah Horton
  4. Chris Graves
  5. Jacurri Brown

They will do work on the O-line. The Texas N.I.L stuff burned us…I mean a kid isn’t going to say no to 50K.

Armelia not signing FSU is huge for us…Sources say it’s because Cristobal and Mirabal in his ear.

Carswell was welcome but was on the bottom of my commit list and although there was contact with Cristobal, it was not known in the last week how much of a priority he was.

Also…Maybe move to recruiting forum? Just a thought.

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I’m getting a bit worried about the texas nil type thing…Where is pay for play, and whatnot established rules wise?! The whole system is about to be completely fuked if there are deep ties to it already before a kid is even on a team.

Not Miami related but reports are out that Travis Hunter is gonna go play for Coach Prime

Not a lot of activity on the recruiting forum either. I know on the old board the football board pretty much was a recruiting board. If we want to define it properly over here, that’s fine but let’s at least get a signing day thread going some place.

Rogers is now in so that’s all six. Let’s hope we get Kelly, Moss, Coleman, Moten, Armelia would be huge if it would happen. Please, give us something!

How much were we in on Dante Anderson? Looks like he’s FSU bound now? I have no idea how important he was to Mario though?

Got a million from Barstool Sports

That’ll do it

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ELABORATE, please.

NIL deal from what I read

Travis Hunter was who I was talking about

My bad

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No offer from either Diaz or Cristobal…And I just read it may be a PFO at FSU? Wow…

Late rising Atlanta CB Jaden Harris to UM…Over GT/Mizzou/K State

Old staff offered Octoberish…And apparently T-Rob loves him and and Cristobal followed through with the offer. His tape is in the “Defense Board” thread.

UPDATE: Film on hudl updated last week…Kid’s senior stuff looks really good. He’s definitely underrated.

Kelly to UM…Sorry forgot this thread was going to.

Colour me surprised that we actually signed a 4 star from Mississippi….weird. Maybe he’s not that good?

Was ranked like a no doubter and recruited by most of the nation before his injury. I mean I don’t think Bama was involved, not sure about Georgia but the rest of the SEC

Rogers at 100% is a dang good CB. I really hope he redshirts to get to 100% vs trying to play next year. This is why 2 portal CB would be ideal. He is also the smallest of the 3 we signed.

We shall see…9-10 months kids are coming back strong nowadays.