NJ steals an election

There is no need to stop the nights count (ballots that were cast at polling places on election night) only to start again the next.

Absentees are different.

I’m still waiting for the statute that says 12:00 midnight and never before shall mail ins be counted. Please provide.

Lol what?

Lol- The ballots that were cast in a machine the night of. They should be counted the night of.

What is so hard about that statement for your retarded ass to understand?

Most of them are. What’s so hard for you to comprehend that?



The reason they are not is to delay so they can figure out how many ballots they need to manufacture to get over the hump.

Oops uncle mo just switched size…Dj commie cunt trying to hold on for dear life getting bludgeoned

The ole reliable “Most” lol


What a prick this guy is. I live in the fucking county that’s going through this and shit head thinks he knows more than me.

56 machines in the next county over (Essex) had errors election night. Multiple machines in Union county did the same. These are Democrat strong holds. They were done purposely to explain why the counting was delayed.

I’m still waiting for him to show me in a statute or election regulation where mail in ballots cannot be counted before midnight. I think I’ll be waiting for a while.

Funny, glad you know everything from staffing resources to the time it takes count and record the ballots. I’m still waiting for you to show us proof that your shithole, dump of a state stole the election.

Lmfao at this lunatic

This cunt’s a state rater now ya know

Lmfao! You can’t make this up.

It’s instant you dickhead. They are using TABULATORS that are designed to count ballots.

Let me give you a rough example.

A typical voting machine should be able to count about 4,000 ballots per hour. I live in a town of about 20,000 people. Let’s say 10,000 vote. It should take 2.5 hours to count that vote but since those votes are going all day, by 8pm they should be counted.

Take Newark NJ. 281,000 people. Let’s say 50% of that pop votes (140,000 roughly)

Newark probably has 40-50 voting precincts (maybe more) so 140,000 / 40 = 3500 ballots. By 8pm they should have everything counted…. INSTANT in terms of relaying the number.

Why are they counting at 11:23 pm? Because they are delaying. That’s why. They know they need more votes so they blame machine or human errors…. Always in Democrat strongholds. Always.

I beg you to find me mass errors in Republican districts. Won’t find them.

Now go fuck yourself.

I just checked and Newark has over 100 voting precincts. Lol. But they have to count same day ballots all night. What a fucking joke.

Sounds like you have experience then?

I’ve been canvassing and poll watching since 18.

Let’s just say I was very close to a couple powerful democrats and they gave us jobs. Good experience early and I’ve been behind the scenes at these things.

I’ve also done the polling for union voting which is a very similar process. So yea- I’ve been around and done this shit.

Those ballots should be tabulated by 9pm the latest unless there is a law that mandates counting starts at a later time. NJ doesn’t have such a law.

Where is the voting data stored?

So I’m not a county employee or elections official nor have I claimed to be.

And this is a multilayered question because various forms of “voting data” exist.

The ballots are kept in sealed boxes to my knowledge and the digital data would be local to the machine that tabulated. But since it’s become common knowledge that voting machines are actually connected to the internet, there’s no real way to answer your question.

So basically, you are talking out of your ass and have no idea what you are talking about.

I rest my case.

In your filthy whore mother’s cunt.

The steps people will go to convince themselves the their side is noble and that there is NOOOOO CHANCE there is foul play. Comedy.

You have no case. We’re still waiting for that statute citation chief.

You never have any clue about what you’re talking about. I own you just like I own your boyfriend warden. He just has a little sense and goes away for a little while to absorb the embarrassment.