New Rankings

Miami is ranked 6th in both polls. Seems a bit high to me given their struggles against mediocre teams the past two weeks.

I agree. Can you honestly say that we could beat some of those teams that are behind us. I know we could get them on bad day just like the teams that beat bama Michigan Tennessee and could win. I like to think if we had to play best out of three which team would win. I don’t think we could beat them twice so why would I think we should be ranked higher.

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What do you expect? It’s pretty cut and dried.

We were #8. Two teams above us lost to unranked teams. They dropped behind us and we’re #6.

Not much to talk about here.

I disagree- Georgia has beaten no one. Why are they in the top 5?

This SEC bias is such garbage.

You missed my point entirely.

That’s fair enough. I was just talking about our ranking movement from #8 to #6.

I got it, but the problem isn’t the current ranking so much as the initial ranking. The last couple weeks we moved up by the bare minimum just based on other people falling out.

So yeah, I agree with you that we are overrated based on ranking, but at this point it’s deserved as long as we keep winning. I do tend to agree with the idea that there shouldn’t be any rankings until several weeks into the season though.

My take is Miami would get destroyed by at least half of the teams ranked lower in the Top 25.
When you are barely squeaking past VT and Cal, your team has issues.

But, the polls reward being undefeated so here we are.

At least this team, despite its defense issues, doesn’t quit when it gets behind like almost every other Miami team for the past 20 years or so.

Even more overranked than Miami is Notre Dame IMHO. They should have been out of the Top 25 completelty after losing the NIU at home, but instead the genius pollsters decided NIU suddenly belonged in the Top 25. At least until they lost to some shitty team the next week. FFS!!!

The old joke was ND could field a team of paraplegics and they would still be ranked.

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MAD STORK, Could Miami lose to anyone in the top 25, sure. So can Alabama (Say Hello Vandy), Georgia (almost lost to Kentucky), Tennessee (lost to Arkansas), Mississippi (lost to Kentucky), Notre Dame (Lost to NIU at home). I stated in another post that there are no dominant teams. I think Texas and Ohio State are the only two teams Miami would have to outscore to win. I watched Oregon and their offense can’t score in the red-zone. They move the ball up and down the field but they cant score. Penn State has a QB who is not accurate. They also do not do anything fancy. What is crazy is Penn State hires a creative OC and runs ZERO plays that he ran at Kansas. Penn State must have one play book and it goes back to 1950.

Miami is a flawed team. We knew this going into this season. Their secondary is average at best. There are no elite DB’s on the team. Zaquan Patterson may become one next season. They need DJ Pickett. Mario knew this when he built the team. What he did do is build the OL and DL and got a QB.

I will say this about Miami in 2024…They won two games that in the past 2o years Miami loses. THEY WON. How they won, why they won…THEY WON. College football is not 2001. This is not the 2001 Miami team. What they are is a very good football team.

There are certain things Miami had to learn to do…WIN. It sounds simple but it is so tough to do.There is a saying in college football lose big, lose small, win small, win big…Miami is in year 3 - win small…They are doing that. How they do it does not matter. Why worry about well Miami is not winning BIG ENOUGH. Really??? This is a program for 20 years that could not get out of its own way. I can tell you that most if not all the programs in the top 25 - they have weaknesses as well.


That was about as rational a post as I have ever seen. There is no quit in this team. Cam whoever does need to learn Mic Etiquette. :laughing:

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Lol I couldn’t believe they left that mic live!

Destroyed Clemson…On a somewhat neutral field…(Sure we’ll give them some advantage for the venue, but Clemson fans make that trip and have played a lot of big games on the field as well)

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I have VT and Cal are top 35 teams. Anyone who doesn’t definitely has them top 45.

Yes we probably don’t have a good enough defense to win it all…

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The truth is somewhere in between.

I agree with Skeeter and Elite. Gone are the days when the top 10-15 teams hammer all the underdogs all the time.

Even 15-20 years ago you can look at some of the best teams and they all have down games where they either almost lost or did lose to much lesser teams. It just happens in the course of a season. I looked at the 2001 Miami team and there is the Boston College game. That’s considered one of the best college teams of all time.

I do agree that Miami is probably not the 6th best team in the country. But this is the way the rankings have always been. Keep moving up if you keep winning.

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FYI…Here is my current top 25 power ratings…0 is the best a team can start the year at…I have had a few teams end up strong enough to cross zero. This is before any other handicap (matchups, week to week injuries, situation, strenght/weaknessetc) …I then apply home field which is subjective for between 1.5 and 4.5 points…And the margin numbers 3, 7 are stickier to cross over, and to a less extent 17 and 14 are as well. Ignore if not interested

OSU 6.5
GA 7
Texas 8
Bama 9.5
Oregon 11
Ole Miss, PSU 14
Tenn 15
Clem, Miami 15.5
ND 16.5
Tamu 17
KSU, Utah (with starting QB) 18
Iowa St. 19.5
UK 20
OU 20.5 (I think with either QB)
Wash 21
Mich 21.5
SMU 22
Iowa, Boise 22.5
Lou 23
Mizzou, Aub, Ark 23.5
Indy, UF 24.5
Cal, VT 25
Zona 25.5
So Car, KU, WVU 26
Neb 26.5
UCF, TT 27
Tulane, TCU 27.5

A trap game if there ever was one. That was the trappiest trap game that ever trapped a trap!

Wow ND is surprisingly high

Nice win at Tamu and that win has aged well (Tamu neutral field win over Arkansas, won convincingly at UF, and just beat the hell out of Mizzu)…Overall I would say my number is slightly higher than others on ND but not a crazy outlier

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