NCAA Sanctions Miami

Fortunately, the sanctions relate to women’s basketball so who gives a fck.

The NCAA still has it out for Miami, evidently. Seems rather silly.

I’m not sure the NCAA can dictate to players which reasons for choosing a team are valid and which aren’t. If NIL is a private business process, The coaches can’t prevent boosters from reaching out to players. Maybe it’s as simple as coaches needing to stay out of it.

Either way, it’s troubling that the NCAA is already looking at Ruiz as a problem. Hopefully the football coaching staff sticks closely to the rules.


As a fan, I can’t stand the guy…Like, stay the fuck off twitter dude.

Whatever…Gotta root for him though.

I’m not really understanding what Meier did wrong. I suppose the fact she vouched for Ruiz’s legitimacy during the girls’ recruitment is a violation of some sort even though he is 100% legitimate. Strange rules has the NCAA. I wonder if it would be an infraction if Saban did the same thing?

“It is a violation of the rules to use NIL opportunities as a recruiting inducement to persuade an athlete to attend a particular school.'”

This makes no sense. Isn’t that the entire point of NIL for boosters of any particular school???
They are not going to give some kid money to go to another school.

I guess we’ll just have to go back to bagmen then.

She began a career at Miami.