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What top athletes do you think are going to cash in?

$500/month per player at Miami. Well, that escalated quickly! Every Miami kid will now make $6000/yr which is a pretty nice start. If Miami wins big, I could see others jumping on the sponsorships side getting a kid like King into the 200-400k/yr range.

Came here to post that: Dan Lambert plans $500-a-month endorsement deal for every Miami Hurricanes football player on scholarship

Am now a big American Top Team fan!!

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I was just about to post another article saying the same thing.

Well…Mark Emmert & Co…are probably biting their nails in frustration at not being able to charge Miami with violations about that.

When do we get the wins and counters back from the NCAA? I mean Bush is going all out on the NCAA to get his stats back.

i don’t like where this is headed.

if you’re a recruit and have to make a choice between a school offering $500 a month vs one offering $3,000 for example…guess which one he’s going to pick. and i don’t like our chances in a bidding war with SEC schools and the resources they have.

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Alabama, Ohio State, Clemson and others already have $10K+ per month payouts; but atleast now it will move to open bidding, instead of the current nonsense where we are suppose to pretend to be blind.

Now millions worth from boosters can be organized, public and likely even increased.

Which means from a Miami perspective, I don’t see the need to get excited here.

Glad the players can make some cash, but honestly, it’s been 7 years now since Miami fans needed to accept the new college football landscape, and the ceiling on the program.

They were doing it for ages and we couldn’t offer anything because we were under the watchful eye of big brother… At lease now we can offer something to narrow the gap.

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Which was always going to be the problem anyway right?

This is great for the players but in the end who is going to compete with Oklahoma State and Texas A&M that have unlimited oil money. The Boone Pickens family can easily offer 50,000 to each player on Ok state and not even bat an eye over it.

If this is where it’s heading then I’m happy for the players. Im all for capitalism. It’s just going to be interesting to see the players that usually land at LSU and Bama start to make the trek to middle America.

Mind you, there are also non power 5 schools that have billionaire donors. Gonna be interesting when a school like SMU and Jerry White offers a player 1 million dollars to attend SMU over Bama.

Gonna be fun


Doesn’t this NIL now make the Shapiro stuff from ten years ago look laughable? Oh My, Miami with their 148 violations and out-of-control program with players being paid left and right! QB Jacory Harris will have to pay back $148 that he received in food, lap dances and other benefits and sit out two football games. :roll_eyes: Jesus H! How we were singled out for no reason.


Another big concern for the NCAA will be the Supreme Court ruling that athletes are no longer volunteers. This would open the door to lots of liabilities which could end a bunch of programs.

This can get hairy with OSHA regulations and possibilities with workplace rules. This will probably lead to unionization.

College football has changed dramatically as we know it.

so many kids are going to get IRS bills for unpaid taxes in the next few years.


just saw that an oregon player already signed a six figure endorsement. in no time we will start seeing schools setup kids with million dollar deals. it didn’t take long for us to start looking kinda lame with our measly $500 per month announcement. I don’t see how were gonna keep up with this gong show.


The bigger the payout the sharper will be the thorns around it. Not every kid/family is going to jump on what seems to be the biggest payout. Imagine the backlash on a “big-time” recruit when the boosters in certain states think he’s no producing a big enough payoff.

IMHO most will sign where the deals are average-good …but without having to worry about foam-mouthed boosters who will think that they now own the kid

So basically college football will now be decided based on “who has the richest alumni base?”

Where does Miami rank on this? Who are our biggest guns?

PS - as I clicked to post I realized that this is always how it’s been anyway… except for the anomaly that was Miami for those few brief years. That’s why they hate us.

As I said above.

What will shift the pendulum is when the none power 5 schools get involved. SMU has a few billionaire alumni. There is nothing stopping them from going full 1983 again and offering million dollar contracts to the best players in the nation. This thing won’t come to a head until something like this happens. When the Bama’s and LSU’s of the world start losing kids to non power 5 schools is when congress will get involved and all the crony politicians who have interest both politically and financially in SEC football, will all of a sudden do an about face and demand that the system be changed. Count on it.

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