Nah- no persecutions!

Beginning with Trump, how many politicians since have stated that the only way they’d lose an election is if it was rigged, and after losing, how many have refused to concede?

This is what tears nations apart.

That’s because your party controls the media, academia, and all social media companies as we’ve demonstrated through out the years.

They can set narratives and deplatform people they don’t like at will and have done this in the light of day repeatedly.

The right never has, nor would ever do this!

That’s wrong tho. We’d never make that claim to begin with, because it is a fabricated reality. They ARE the victims.

Who has the right deplatformed?

Now you’re getting granular. Plenty of situations where the right has silenced - or made life very difficult - for someone who dared not to kiss the rings on Trump’s tiny hands.

Liz Cheney anyone?


Jesus GSC. Trump HIMSELF deplatformed anyone that spoke out against him. All the way to Pence - his most fierce defender. That is - until trump wanted him to break the law.

You ducking dumbass. She is the Chair of the Jan 6 committee.

Getting elected out of office isn’t getting deplatformed.

Major media will quote her for the next couple of years. Social media will allow her to post. The major banks won’t shut down her accounts and payment platforms.

You really are a fucking dildo.

You’re the fucking idiot. Trump’s lies and vitriol about the crimes he committed along with his attacks against her caused his gullible conspiracy theory supporters (you’re one of them) in that state to vote against her.

Am I allowed to say there was fraud there? I have exactly as evidence as you do on the ‘20 election.

You may think the left “deplatforms” people. The right does it too. It also comes with death threats to them and their families.


I’ll ask again- who has the right deplatformed?

Let’s hear it.

Define deplatformed.

Taking away every single mode of communication a person has to reach the public, and in some cases, taking away their financial means to support themselves.

Yeah. Because we’ve gone months without ever hearing from trump or reading some statement he’s made.

I almost forgot who he was.

You are using your opinion of the definition of being de-platformed as the only acceptable definition of such. Seems like Liz Cheney being removed from all of responsibilities and later losing her election is a direct result of not falling in line with your favorite President is a good example.

How many rallies has Trump has since he’s been out of office? He started his own social media site. On top of that, he asks for money, his supporters sends it to him in droves.

Another thing, as often as we have disagreements, never once have I EVER resulted to insults.

The following conservatives were deplatformed meaning the were banned from all social media, has their job/careers destroyed and in some cases, their banks shut down their accounts:

Donald Trump
Laura Loomer
Benjamin Owen
Ali Alexander
Milo Yiannopolous

I can name more but let’s stop here.

Please name me some democrats that have been deplatformed like the above.

The party doesn’t control any of that. You’re views are just unpopular by a remarkable margin and you don’t have the integrity to admit it so you make up a conspiracy. When the news, the schools, the resource materials and the people all think you’re full of shit, it’s not a magical conspiracy that stretches throughout the world. You’re simply wrong and you don’t want to admit it

no integrity, no character, no morals

Who’s your source for that? The media? Academia?


eyeballs and ears…oh yeah, and VOTES

When you break the rules of a social media site, you can be banned. Simple as that.

But you still hear from these people. You’ll pardon me for having no sympathy.

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